The Tea Party Movement is just getting started. The Left still can't figure out what the movement is all about, the biased media is discovering that demonizing the movement is not slowing it down, and the Democrats in Washington are only now realizing the strength of the genuine, authentic American movement that is rising up in a grass roots manner to challenge the misguided leftist agenda that Obama and his Congressional cronies are trying to force upon the American People.
The Tea Party Movement rose out of genuine citizen disenchantment with the policies, practices and personalities of both political parties. The membership amassed by this movement has grown in size and momentum at an astounding rate.
The Tea Party Movement is now getting ready to hold its first convention. The event will be in Nashville from February 4-6. The biased media is trying to decipher the movement's intents, determine its direction, ascertain its endurance, and analyze its impact as the convention date nears, and the Left has still failed to fully understand what motivates its members.
The Tea Party Convention is generating a stir seldom seen in history. While critics claimed the cost was too much for such an event, it sold out in days, and the convention has attracted some of the biggest names in the Conservative political sphere.
Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of WorldNetDaily.com, though not in any direct affiliation with the Tea Party Movement, is an invited guest speaker at the convention, alongside Sarah Palin. Farah's World Net Daily has followed the movement from its inception, and the World Net Daily founder is delighted to be speaking at the event.
Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips says that the event organizers are thrilled to have Farah speaking at the event, adding that "He was a tea partier before there was a tea party movement."
With a goal to inspire people, Phillips also states that, "Joseph is a welcomed speaker because he is tremendously inspirational as a person and a speaker, able to fire people up and get them excited about going back to their home states and cities and taking this advocacy to the next level."
Tonight, on the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution, Joseph Farah joins us to discuss the dynamics, drive, and potential direction of the Tea Party Movement. Join us live at 7:00 PM Pacific/10:00 PM Eastern, or catch the archive later, at BlogTalkRadio.com/PoliticalPistachio.
UPDATE: Joseph Farah was unable to join the program and will be rescheduled at a later date. The discussion about the Constitution, Tea Parties, and Freedoms was very interesting, nonetheless.
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