Joining the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution tonight is Captain Jim Kinney, Author of The Second American Revolution.
As our founding fathers did then, so must we now move beyond impressive protest to positive action to correct the course of the future for our children and grandchildren. Against all odds, we must rise up and overthrow the tyranny of our imperial government—an elite, 535-member noble class above the law who are imposing their will on us and our children for generations to come.
As the logical next step to the grassroots TEA Party movement, we are recruiting a new “Continental Army” to wage war in the 2010 election cycle and elect federal legislators who will sponsor the Restore America Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Jim Kinney, Captain, US Navy (ret) is the founder of Inspire & Ignite. Inspire & Ignite has been created to provide consulting help to organizations seeking to expand and/or optimize their impact.
For the past thirty years, Jim’s experiences have thoroughly prepared him for this opportunity.
In 1979 he was assigned by the Navy to establish a new aviation reconnaissance squadron for the Pacific Fleet. By his change of command in 1982, the handful of sailors that had begun the task with him had grown to more than 150 men and he managed more than $100M dollars in assets. The reconnaissance unit (VPU2) flew their aircraft at 150% of the standard fleet usage for the aircraft type and never missed an operational mission. VPU2, under Jim’s leadership earned both the Navy Unit Citation and the Meritorious Unit Citation.
After a tour on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Jim was given command of the Navy recruiting district in Little Rock, AR. The command has just failed a major inspection and ranked 33 out of 35 recruiting districts in the nation. During his tenure in command, the district passed the
re-inspection with flying colors and the following year was recognized as the number one recruiting district in the nation as well as the most improved.
As a result, Capt Kinney was asked to take command of the New York recruiting district, largest in the nation and failing badly. In his two years in command, the district became the number one recruiting command in the nation in its competitive category.
Leaving New York, He was tasked to establish the office of Director, Navy Recruiting and Retention Policy for the Chief of Navy Personnel at the Pentagon. In the same month that he assumed this responsibility, the Berlin Wall came down and the Navy was thrust into the uncomfortable position of having to downsize from a 600 ship Navy to a 350 ship force. While receiving the Legion of Merit, the highest peacetime award authorized by the Department of Defense, Captain Kinney transitioned the entire DOD recruit testing program from an antiquated paper and pencil system to a Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) program.
He also developed a screening method accepted by the DOD that allowed the military services to recruit with confidence young men and women who failed to complete high school. This screening tool gave the services the ability to accurately identify non high school graduates who projected to be as successful as their high school graduate peers. This both expanded the recruiting market and also gave worthy young men and women a second chance to learn a skill and become successful members of their communities.
Asked by Walk Thru the Bible in 1992 to take on the challenge of revitalizing the WTB seminar ministry as Vice-President reporting directly to Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, Jim was faced with a “half time” decision. Although in zone for selection to Admiral, the call was an easy one, he retired and moved his family to Atlanta.
The seminar division of the ministry had been losing money consistently for more than a decade and the Board of Directors had decided that if this part of the Walk Thru ministry could not at least break even, it would be shut down. During the more than 10 years that he ran the live events for Walk Thru the Bible, he grew the program from less than 700 events a year to nearly 2500 seminars annually in the division’s best year (2001). As a result of some innovative approaches to the church market, controlling costs and automating the management of the operation, the seminar ministry flourished under his leadership.
In 2004, Jim left Walk Thru the Bible to join the staff of one of the largest conservative churches in the country. During his tenure at the church, Jim transitioned the communication from an old off-set printing plant to a digital print center, made major adjustments to the staff structure and prepared all the research, including site identification, to allow the church to launch a remote campus more than 20 miles from the existing church facilities.
Late in 2007, Governor Mike Huckabee, a long time friend, asked Jim and Linda to come onboard his campaign staff. When their contributions to the presidential campaign were completed, Jim was advised to consider using his gifts and experience to help organizations seeking to maximize their impact. Inspire & Ignite resulted.
Asked to describe his passion, Jim said, “I pray that God will continually stoke in me a holy, restless dissatisfaction with the way things are. That does not mean that the way things are at any given time are bad…in fact they may be quite good. But I’ve learned that as soon as we are willing to settle for the status quo, we lose our edge.”
Tonight on Political Pistachio Radio we will discuss Capt. Kinney's book, his experiences, and how we must:
1. Restore America with term limits
2. No federal pay check....Each state pays their wages
3. Govt based on GNP
Join us live at 7:00 PM, or catch the archive later, at
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