I am not too fond of the government tracking the whereabouts of citizens via GPS capabilities through their cell phones. I have no problem, if they deem it necessary, to look at the records after the fact, via a warrant, but to track us live is a different ball of wax.
What I find most interesting, however, regarding the Democrat's desire to use cell phone tracking as a National Security measure, is that the Democrats are once again showing us their inconsistency. The Left spent all of those years demonizing George W. Bush, and The Patriot Act, as being a violation of privacy. But suddenly, tracking cell phones through the use of GPS technology is fine?
Personally, I only agree with government getting into the life of someone if they are following a lead to who they believe to be a dangerous suspect. But, do I mind GPS tracking? Not necessarily.
But that's not the point. The point is that the Democrats barked against this kind of stuff for years because Bush did it - suddenly their guy wants to do similar things, and magically it is okay? Now, suddenly, they are fine with it?
The double-standard is what annoys me most.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Justice Dept. defends warrantless cell phone tracking - CNET News
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