Earlier today, during the dawn of the afternoon hours, I met with a couple Tea Party organizers at a coffee house to discuss an upcoming event planned for two Saturdays from now in Temecula, California. I have been asked to man the Constitution Table, and I accepted the offer enthusiastically. In addition to answering questions regarding the Constitution, I was also asked to create a few pamphlets to hand out. Two of them are complete, and the material in them are based on my articles regarding Immigration and the Constitution, and Health Care and the Constitution. The text in the pamphlets do not read exactly as the posts on my site, for I had to make them a little more concise so that the article would fit on the tri-fold pamphlet with a font large enough that people could still read it.
I attended a couple Tea Parties last year, the Tax Day Tea Party in Fullerton, California, and one in Temecula on a later date. In both cases I found that what the mainstream media had been reporting regarding the rallies was far from the truth.
Cable networks like MSNBC, and CNN, call the Tea Parties "anti-government" rallies full of right wing extremists, and angry ideologues, while erroneously reporting that the events are all about "taxes". MCNBC, specifically, attached the low-brow sexual term "tea-bagging" to the events - a term that has caught on with the leftists, and now Tea Party participants are regularly referred to has "tea-baggers."
Attending these events, and meeting with organizers, I am happy to say that the biased media, and the liberal left lunatics, just don't get it. They do what they always do, form a preconceived notion in their heads, and attribute the myth as fact to whatever it is they are in opposition to.
Tea Parties are not populated by only right-wingers. At the events I attended, and I have learned at all of the other events as well through conversations of folks that have attended other Tea Parties around the nation, one truth is consistent among all of them. The attendees are members of both the Republican Party, and the Democrat Party. Many of the folks at these events are affiliated with neither party, as well. In fact, what is attracting most of these folks is the fact that the rallies have nothing to do with party, or political affiliation. The Tea Parties are about Americans who have realized that the political establishment is in office for one reason, and one reason alone: themselves.
The prevailing mood is one of enthusiasm, and excitement about the opportunity to be heard as an American, not some faceless constituent. The Constitution, and the Founding Fathers, dominate the topics of discussion. Political corruption, dirty political tactics, big government, unconstitutional legislation, and yes - Taxes, also become a part of the conversations.
"The Constitution is the Solution" is the ultimate message. The voice of the people
has found a platform, and it is the grass roots efforts of the various Tea Parties the make up the larger Tea Party Movement.
Be a part of the Tea Party in your area.
United We Stand, Combined We Kick Butt.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Susan Roesgen: Angry CNN Reporter Calls Tea Party Protesters Anti-Government and Anti-CNN - Blue Star Chronicles/Right Pundits
MSNBC: The Place for Low-Brow 'Teabag' Humor - NewsBusters
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