Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Raise Taxes, Lose Revenue, Destroy America

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The current administration is discussing a 77% tax rate for the wealthy, the same level that Woodrow Wilson enforced after World War I. What followed was an incredible loss of revenue, and the commencement of a deep recession, one that today's liberals would call a Depression if such numbers were present in today's economic model. Double digit unemployment, a struggling stock market, and a weakening dollar accompanied by a federal government pumping massive amounts of fiat money into the economy as they raised the National Debt to unheard of numbers plagued the U.S. Economy, and began to destroy the economic stability of the United States.

President Woodrow Wilson cut the taxes on imported goods while increasing regulations and taxes on domestic corporations, began a method of direct taxation on the people through the Income Tax (a method of taxation that was one of the final straws that made the American Colonies cry out for Independence - see Stamp Act, and later the Boston Tea Party), made it easier for people to borrow on credit, and entered the United States into World War I, a war that did not threaten America directly. As his globalistic dream of the League of Nations formed, with the foolish Utopian hope of nations joining together to settle their differences without war (because human nature will never allow such a noble endeavor), the American Troops returned home to an America in economic shambles.

Warren Harding followed Wilson in the White House, and immediately cut taxes, cut spending, reduced the federal budget by one third, and rescinded most of the regulations that Wilson had imposed against American businesses. It was a hard road, but the depression had been reversed, and when Harding suffered a heart attack, or stroke (depending on which history you read) a couple years after he entered office, the U.S. Economy was on its way to growth.

Calvin Coolidge was even more of a limited government guy than Harding, and continued the work of slashing taxes, cutting spending, and making the U.S. Government live within its means. The sensible New Englander was so popular, he was re-elected. The Roaring Twenties were the result of Harding's and Coolidge's Constitutional actions, and America enjoyed a decade of prosperity. Being a classic statesman, however, despite being urged to run again, Coolidge responded to the urgings, "I do not choose to run for President in 1928." That's all he would say about it, returning to his Massachusetts home, as popular as ever.

The progressive politics of Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, modeled after the failed policies of Woodrow Wilson followed, putting America right back into economic dire straits, and on the road to the Great Depression. With Roosevelt's progressive leadership, the United States suffered through the Great Depression twice as long as the rest of the world, with many of FDR's damaging entitlement programs still in force.

The current host of idiots in charge of the U.S. Government are following the same insane policies of Wilson, Hoover and Roosevelt. Another Great Depression may be on the horizon, should the massive government growth not be stopped. A drastic reduction in taxes across the board, a massive cut in spending, reforming all of the entitlement programs, and promoting a change from the hostile environment created by government for American businesses is necessary to stop the bleeding. Raising taxes reduces revenue, raising spending kills the budget, and progressive policies destroy America. The downhill slide of progressivism in Washington must be stopped, and it must be stopped now, or else the horrific Health Care Reform law is only the beginning of the transformation of America into a socialist failure.

The question is, are we willing to follow through with such a difficult journey back to smart economics that includes a heavy slash in taxes, and a massive cut in spending that includes a reduction in entitlements?

I have discussed Harding and Coolidge on my Political Pistachio Radio Revolution a number of times, proclaiming that our only non-progressive presidents since 1900 have been Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan. I sometimes wonder if Glenn Beck uses my show for his own show-prep, because on the rare occasions I get to watch him on Fox News, he echoes what I have been saying.

Last night I watched the Glenn Beck Program, and his documentary on the Presidents that saved America from the Depression of 1920, and the damaging progressive agendas of Wilson, Hoover, and Roosevelt.

The question is, America, will you believe the vitriol being spewed by the Left in their ever increasing endeavor to change the fundamental foundations of the American Government by betraying the limiting principles of the Founding Fathers? Or will you accept the truth, and use it to help turn this nation around?

Liberty is worth the hard choices, standing up to the Obama Policies that is taking us to the breaking point is necessary.

United We Stand, Combined We Kick Butt.

God Bless America.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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