Saturday, May 29, 2010

America In Peril and the Revolution

By Douglas V. Gibbs

"What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected from 1760 - 1775, in the course of fifteen years, before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington." - John Adams

The philosophical divide that splits political opinion is nothing new. The Federalists campaigned for a more centralized government as the majority of the Founding Fathers embraced the concept of limited government.

Government expansion is a disease, and once unleashed, only revolutions can turn back the political clock. These are times that are rapidly approaching such a possibility, when the populace feels the last drop of their liberty seep away as they fall under the iron fist of bondage carried out by an oppressive, centralized government regime. Our Founding Fathers fought against such tyranny, forging this nation with their blood, sacrificing everything so that they may bequeath to us a nation founded on liberty, American exceptionalism, and a free market economy.

The ideological rift between the principles of a limited government system, and the concept of an intrusive, powerful centralized government, has widened. Leftism has gained control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, and is spreading the poison of socialist policies. The liberal agenda proposes there is little to admire about America, that our history is filled with the sins of liberty, and that without heavy government regulation and control we are a society that lacks compassion, morality, and the right to exist.

American Patriots have gathered against the storm of progressivism, exposing it to be the destructive virus that it is. Through the voices of these patriots capitalism is being defended, the free market is being held up as the solution for an ailing economy under leftist assault, and liberty is being championed as the remedy for oppression. These patriotic revolutionaries gather at parks and on the steps of governmental buildings to rally for American exceptionalism. They are called radicals and extremists by the supporters of oppression for daring to call for a return to the principles of the U.S. Constitution.

Despite the attacks, the Tea Partiers meet in churches, meeting halls and homes planning their demonstrations, and teaching all that may join them the concept of liberty, Americanism, and the principles of limited government.

History repeats itself. Over two hundred years ago the colonists that were unhappy with the oppression offered by the British Empire met in pubs, meeting halls, churches and homes to discuss the values of freedom, and the principles of liberty. The concept of a free, independent union of American states, guided by the Hand of the Lord, was born in those meetings. The American Revolution began in those places long before the first shot was fired in Lexington (consequently because the British Army was marching toward Concord to take our guns).

In January of 2009, leftism took control of the White House, completing their march towards domination of both the executive and legislative branches in the federal government. The arrogance of the Left got the best of them, it seems, because the subtle and stealth incremental changes to the American form of government ceased to be their strategy. The Democrats began an aggressive and unapologetic assault on America, pushing their socialistic agenda at break-neck speed.

Perhaps it was not arrogance that fueled the rapidity of their agenda implementation. Perhaps the speed in which the liberal Democrats unleashed their series of policies that grants enormous power to the federal government, and expands the federal government in an unconstitutional manner, had more to do with urgency.

I believe that despite the opinions of the media, and the labors of a radically progressive educational system, the Democrats in power realize this is a center-right nation, and that their days are numbered.

Americans recognize the exceptional nature of this nation, despite the Left's continued attacks that are designed to denigrate this nation. The average American may not understand the specific political components that make liberty and a capitalistic system work so well, but they do know that it is those things that have made the United States an exceptional nation, and without them the citizenry will be led into bondage under an authoritarian federal system.

When Barack Obama uttered the words that his goal was to bring "fundamental change" to this country, and when he told Joe the Plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth around," the fact that the Democrats aimed to restructure the American economy into a socialistic model became glaringly clear. It was then that the foreign takeover of America became apparent.

Socialism is a foreign concept, born from the big government philosophies in Europe. No European nation has ever endeavored to put into place a constitutional republic as is the one in America. Europeans have always been ruled over by systems that ultimately places an elite few over the unrepresented many.

In an effort to make it appear as if the people have say in their government, the European nations have played around with parliamentary systems, and democracies. In a parliamentary system of government, however, the separation of powers are not as clearly defined, and the voice of the people is small. In a democracy, all things are thrown to a vote by the people, and the system becomes one of "mob rules" chasing the whims of a fooled populace manipulated by a smooth talking elite. As a result, democracies are transitional, ultimately leading to the bondage of an oligarchy.

What is forming in America under leftist leadership is something worse. Instead of listening to the voices of the people, or even trying to look like they are, the Democrats have labeled their opposition to be seditious domestic terrorists. Instead of respecting State Sovereignty, the Obama administration has called the States efforts "misguided," and "irresponsible." The Democrats are attempting to move America into a position of being "ruled over" by an authoritarian federal government that is not only a system that controls every facet of the citizen's lives, but then joins with an international community that desires to impose its will globally, placing Americans under the thumb of worldwide scrutiny and control.

Obama desires to take America into an international framework that cedes our sovereignty to international bodies, and transfers wealth to poorer nations. Obama and the Democrats envision a global utopia where government expansion is the cure for everything that ails this nation, and the world. They are trying to put into place a system similar to the one that is failing in Europe, and one similar to the one that has led to collapse and riots in Greece. But once America is transformed, they wish to make it a worldwide effort.

The Left's political ideology is a failed one, and one that will destroy this nation. Their effort to transform this nation has inspired patriots to gather in meeting halls, churches, pubs, and at rallies to stop the madness. The stirrings of protest that encourage a return to the principles of the U.S. Constitution have emerged. The Democrats are unable to downplay the extent of their radicalism, for they have been exposed by the rising revolution for what they are. Anger has invigorated the populace, encouraging them to go to the polls and vote out the tyranny, leading the patriots to cry out that it is time to take this country back from the disease of Leftism.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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