Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Obama Sending Guard Troops to Mexican Border

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Let me get this straight. Obama believes that Arizona's law is misguided, but he is sending 1,200 National Guard troops to the border.

To be fair, the sudden interest in border security, according to Obama's mouthpieces, is in order to combat drug smuggling.

Does that mean they will let illegals walk on by unless they have drugs on them? And if they ask the illegals if they have drugs on them, aren't they racial profiling by assuming that the Mexicans coming across the border have drugs on them?

Hey, just using their argument.

Then again, with the November elections coming, it may be a political move to appeal to those who are demanding border security, in those hopes of fending off the electoral slaughter the Democrats seem in position to receive.

Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, interestingly enough demanded stronger border security when she was governor of Arizona. Now that she is one of Obama's stormtroopers, how can she possibly go against the President who claims the illegals are our friends?

Talk about politically motivated.

The National Guard troops are to be stationed in the four border states for a year, according to the White House, but it is not certain when they will arrive.

Hmmm, does that mean this is words only, but we may never see the arrival of the National Guard?

There are already a few hundred guardsmen at the border helping local law enforcement enforce federal law in regards to drug smuggling already.

Okay, stop right there. I thought the reason that the Arizona immigration law was "misguided" was because the state wasn't supposed to enforce federal law. . . but by apprehending drug smugglers, aren't the members of local law enforcement enforcing federal law?

I have a feeling, especially when it come to the immigration issue, history will look upon the Obama Administration as the wannabe regime that was full of contradictions, and false promises.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama to Send Up to 1,200 Troops to Border - New York Times

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