By Douglas V. Gibbs
Faced with losing more of their entitlement programs as Greece attempts to cut more spending to save the economy, protesters in Greece became violent during the May Day protests. Youths in gas masks and hoods started vehicle fires, smashed store windows, and throw fire bombs and rocks at the police.
Anti-capitalist slogans were sprayed on buildings as tourists remained trapped in their hotels.
The violence was sparked by negotiations between Greece's socialist government, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Union over a rescue package for Greece. The protests included complaints over the austerity measures being taken that reduces entitlements, the excessive national debt that younger Greeks blame on their elders, and the fact that Greece's government is willing to bow down to the men from the IMF.
The blame sits squarely on the socialist programs that dishes out more money than is coming in. The culture of dependency has become one that is now considered and entitlement, and now that Greeks are faced with either cutting spending and losing their entitlements, or allowing the nation to collapse, they are stammering for their entitlements. More violence is expected as the realization settles in that not only will everyone be expected to tighten their belts just a little more, but that more programs for the poor will be cut in order to keep the nation afloat.
The same sentiments that led to the uprising against Greece's military dictatorship in 1973 is in the air again. Resistance, however, is not planning to take Greece in a capitalistic direction, which is what would save their system, but into yet another socialistic system of entitlements and hand outs.
The suggestion that the Greeks are "lazy" and unwilling to be personally responsible for their own welfare has created anger, as well as accusations against the United States and Germany.
In the end, however, it is nobody's fault but Greece's for their troubles, and it is nobody that can save them but themselves.
The U.S., under the threat of following the same path as Greece with the rise of Obama's socialist agenda, should take heed. Uncontrollable spending, increased debt, and more entitlement programs will always lead to destruction, and the collapse of a nation's economic system. If it can happen in Greece, and if it is beginning in Spain, it can happen here.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Greece erupts as men from IMF prepare to wield axe - Times Online
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