Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Rally Captures the Attention of Both The Right, and the Left

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally in Washington DC attracted thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people (some have even told me hundreds of thousands). Nationwide, at rallies designed to piggy-back on Beck's rally, millions gathered. The purpose of the rally was to call on history, and God, to help restore our nation's honor. Sarah Palin, in her speech at the rally, echoed Beck's sentiments: "We Must Restore America!"

The Left, and self-proclaimed black leaders Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, were upset because the event was planned to occur on the same day as the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. They held their own rally at the same time at another location.

Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King spoke at Glenn Beck's rally. . .

Which brings up the thought: Was Martin Luther King about bringing civil rights to blacks? Or to all Americans?

Beck's rally has the Democrats in a panic. Glenn Beck, Alveda King, and Sarah Palin exercised their right to free speech and their freedom of assembly. These actions by the people place the "ruling party" in a precarious position, because the leftists have been accusing the Tea Party of having racist ties. But this rally by Beck, which has a Tea Party aura about it, and has been supported by Tea Party groups, embraces King's teachings, and were enthusiastic about Alveda King's presence at the rally.

The Left has been calling a movement open to all races racist. . . an obvious attack with nothing but political motivation attached.

Update: The number coming in is that 800,000 attended the rally! Wow.

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