By Douglas V. Gibbs
Liberal policies kill jobs, economies, and ultimately nations. Environmentalism is one of the radical fringe wings of the Democrat Party that even challenges Comrade Obama when it comes to degree of radical-ness. Now, thanks to the moronic push for green energy that the market just has not embraced, more jobs are being lost as a factory in Virginia that produces incandescent light bulbs closes.
The factory closing is the last major GE factory that has been making ordinary incandescent light bulbs in the United States. As a result of this closer, which has been directly caused by the liberal myth of man-made global warming, and the radical beliefs of the (ought to be the new communist red) green movement, over 200 jobs are going to be lost by this closer.
American advances in green technology have not materialized, and government can't force it to happen. The success of any product is dependent upon the market, and the market knows it is a bunch of hooey.
One wonders, too, how long it will take before the allegedly more efficient compact fluorescents (complete with mercury inside - hmm, I wonder why the greenies don't have a problem with that?) will also become an enemy of the environmentalists (you know, like the plastic grocery bags they pushed for that replaced the environmentally naughty paper bags) and be attacked and forced out of production?
Even more amazing is that the CFL bulbs, of which the greenies are so fond, will probably wind up being produced overseas.
Oooops, there goes another rise in the unemployment rate.
Of course this closure is a gift (they say) from the federal government, who is demanding, whether the consumers like it or not (in other words they are dictating to you what you can buy), ordinary incandescents be gone by 2014 (they did this by setting it up for Edison's bulbs to be banned by then). The law will force millions of American households to switch to CFLs.
Start hoarding your incandescents now!
The resulting savings in energy and greenhouse-gas emissions are expected to be immense, they say, but nobody will care because they'll all be without a job, and their electricity will be shut off.
But that is what the liberals are good at. . . killing jobs.
First the stimulus, then the health care bill and financial regulatory bill, now this.
Hmmm, do I see a 20% plus unemployment rate in our future?
Oh, wait, it is already there - - - the left just ignores the real numbers.
Well, here's to having lights we can't afford to have because we are not working. . . thanks liberal jerks. . . you really know how to screw up a nation.
One thing is for sure; The Democrats are sure about as bright as a broken light bulb.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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