By Douglas V. Gibbs
The New York Times reported last week that the U.S. poverty rate reached 14.3%, or 43.6 million people. The article indicates that the recession has caused this record number of poverty-stricken folks. The number used as the line between poverty, and non-poverty, by the government is a family of four earning less than $21,954.
And of course it couldn't possibly have anything to do with Obama's, and the Congressional Democrat's, incompetence. As far as the liberal left is concerned, it is all Bush's fault.
Then, they tell us that it would have been a lot worse if they hadn't spent all the money they've been throwing around. "Hey," they are basically saying, "it's bad, but it would be a lot worse if the Republicans were in control."
Which must be the reason why ever since Democrats declared war on poverty 40-odd years ago the number of the poor has been rising (regardless of whether or not we are in a recession).
Blaming it on the recession, or Bush, is what Democrat leftist liberal knuckleheads do. It couldn't possibly be their fault. They have so much damn compassion, and their intentions are sooooooo good.
The nightmare of the Obama administration, and of liberal policies in general, has been expanding the dependency class ever since the New Deal, is destroying the opportunities of the members of the Middle Class, and they are literally destroying our economy bit by bit. . . and when the poverty rate reaches record highs under their watch, they blame everyone else.
Obama won the presidency by promising hope, and what he has delivered is much more misery than any inkling of hope. He is hell-bent on changing our capitalist system into a Marxist socialist society, and he is destroying our economy so that he may rebuild it into something the Founding Fathers never intended. Then his main-extreme media lap dogs have obediently shifted any blame away from the Democrats, and has blamed Bush, the recession, and anything else that has nothing to do with the Democrats.
Poverty diminishes when those in need receive the opportunity to achieve, and the government ceases to pay them to be poor. Opportunity is provided by the private sector. Specifically, jobs and the potential to achieve originate in the businesses that the Obama administration is currently attacking, and is threatening to raise the taxes of. Simply put, the poverty rate is increasing because of the liberal policies of the Democrat Party.
By the way, as poor as they may think that 14.3% is, the poorest Americans are still much richer than 90% of the world.
Thank God for America, and her blessings of liberty. . . if we can keep it.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Recession Raises Poverty Rate to a 15-Year High - New York Times
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