Monday, November 01, 2010

America's Bloody History and Blood For Oil Myth

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Knowing that I am politically involved, folks attempt to engage in political conversation with me often. Most of the arguments used against me are based on ignorant views of history influenced by the revised crap they teach our kids in school, or other liberal drivel that is easily shot down with a dose of facts.

On Halloween Night a person engaged with me on such an argument, first accusing the white people of slaughtering the Indians through disease and murder, and taking from Mexico the American Southwest.

In the story of the encounter between the North American Indian tribes and the white settlers, of course there were skirmishes. This is to be expected when a power struggle ensues. The stronger culture normally triumphs. However, though there does exist stories of brutality, they are few and far between. Overall, the white settlers landed upon this land with the intention to begin anew in a new land. They did not land on Plymouth Rock, or elsewhere along the Atlantic Coast, thinking, "Gosh, I wonder how many of these natives we can kill for the fun of it."

The argument is designed to demonize America, its history, and its present governmental system. Those that fall for the revised history that basically paints America as a brutal nation that has its history written in the blood of a number of cultures, including the American Indian's, is falling for an age-old Marxist technique that essentially is designed to destroy the current system so that a statist system can take its place.

These are the same kind of people that concocted multiculturalism, and are now trying to indoctrinate all of society with this sick system of belief. The idea is to change attitudes, and blame existing institutions. By blaming America, it convinces people that we need to change our system, despite the fact that it is the American form of government, and Free Market system, that has made the United States the greatest nation ever to exist on this blue marble.

Leftism, with its revised view of history, wishes to portray American history as nothing but misery, racism, sexism, and capitalist oppression. The targets of the vengeful belief system is our children. They have filled our kid's minds with the ignorant teachings of how horrible they think America is, and was.

For argument's sake, let's just say the attackers of American History were right. Let's just say for the sake of argument that our ancestors were evil people doing horrible things, and stole all of this land through torture and other horrible blood thirsty things. If that's the case, it wouldn't matter anyway. No place in our founding documents are such actions condoned, or suggested to be a national philosophy. Whether the settlers were brutes or not, or even if the later pioneers were brutes or not, the American system of government did not come from such beliefs.

Multiculturalists work to affect young minds by tearing the country down. If our predecessors are flawed, they reason, then everything that follows must be flawed. And if that is all flawed, then we are all flawed, and have much to be sorry for, and much to pay back. If the settlers exposed the Indians to disease, and Jefferson owned slaves, then the Constitution must be tainted.

People who fall for this crap don't get how they are being used. The people that have them believing this garbage did so in order to discredit America. Once that is realized, the next natural question is, "Why would they do this?"

The attack on American history, and the American form of government is directly tied to the desire to destroy the Constitutional Republic this nation is, and to destroy its capitalistic system. If they are able to destroy America's free system, then a socialistic tyranny can take its place.

In the school system the culture of America is being ripped apart, criticized, and denigrated. People are being told that being American is a bad thing, for America's history is full of brutal sins, so instead cling to your cultural identity. What this does is then separate the people in groups that can be pitted against each other, and promised help by a centralized government system that uses entitlements as a means of controlling the populace.

If you truly think about it, multiculturalism teaches exactly the opposite of what this country is truly all about. Our nation was built by people fleeing oppression from the societies of their birth. The Old World was left behind, and a New World was embraced. They no longer wished to be Brits or Scots or whatever, anymore. They came here to be Americans - to integrate and assimilate into this society, and leave the multicultural divisions behind.

In addition to the argument that our past is full of barbaric sins, the Left is also trying to convince our younger generation that today's America is similar, and possibly worse!

One of the arguments used to demonize today's America involves our recent wars in the Middle East. The multiculturalist liberal will tell you that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is all about oil.

I admit that oil is a large part of the equation. Oil is the primary fuel for our economy, and free market. But how could the sole reason for the wars in the Middle East be over oil when only 12% of our oil import comes from the Middle East? We import more oil from Canada than any other country in the world. So if we are willing to go to war over oil, then why don't we invade Canada? It's not like they could defend themselves against us, right?

The whole thing comes down to whether or not you desire to be a useful idiot that is manipulated by the leftist machine, or if you are willing to be an independent individual that finds out the truth not through the indoctrination of the public school system, or the biased media, but by discovering the truth for yourself by reading the writings of the people that were there in history, or to reasonably consider the facts and then come to a logical conclusion - like how it would be very strange that we would start wars in two Middle Eastern countries over a commodity (oil) that we only receive 12% of from that region.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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