Sunday, November 07, 2010

Liberals React Regarding Olbermann Suspension - Claiming Fox News Contributed to Campaigns Too!

By Douglas V. Gibbs

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann was suspended for contributing to 3 Democratic candidates against network policy. I wrote about it in my post titled "MSNBC Suspends Keith Olbermann." Liberal readers, in response to my post, were quick to point out that Fox News and it's personalities contributed massive amounts of money to Republican candidates, yet are criticizing MSNBC And Olbermann. Isn't that hypocrisy?

The liberal response about Fox News only proves how they don't get it. The criticism of Olbermann isn't over the fact that he contributed. It is over the existence of MSNBC's rules, the hypocrisy of those rules, the hypocrisy of Olbermann, and the very fact that Olbermann could care less about any rules as is normal with most liberals.

The rule that Olbermann couldn't contribute is in place because MSNBC is trying to portray an aura of independent journalism that is free of bias.


MSNBC is the most biased of all of the cable news networks. What is offensive, however, is not the fact that they are biased, but the fact that they think people are so stupid that we don't notice, and to make sure they keep up the act that they aren't biased, they have rules like the one Olbermann broke to reinforce that they aren't allegedly biased.

Then, when the most biased idiot on TV breaks the "we aren't biased and to prove it we don't contribute to campaigns" rule, they suspend him for being, well, biased as evidenced by his contributions.

All you have to do is watch his show for fifteen seconds to realize that Keith is biased, hard left, and a blithering idiot.

MSNBC was upset because in their opinion Olbermann, by contributing to campaigns, showed that he had privately picked favorites.

Yet they have no problem with him spewing hate against "the enemy" on a day to day basis?

Are you kidding me?

MSNBC's policies and standards are in complete contradiction to how they run their network.

Then, it is amazing that they expected a liberal like Olbermann to follow the rules in the first place.

Liberals don't have ethics when it comes to pushing their liberal agenda. The answer to the question is always what benefits liberalism the most, despite any contradictions, or lack of ethics, such answers may impose.

The laugher conservatives like myself are experiencing over Olbermann is not that he contributed, but that MSNBC acts as if they have some kind of media ethics by imposing a rule of no contributions, when everything thing else they do lacks any kind of media ethics whatsoever.

I don't care how much money Olbermann put out there. It's his business. If he wanted to contribute a few million to the Communist Party USA, I would write about how stupid he is, but I would also recognize he can do so if he wants no different than Fox News and its people can contribute to candidates on the right.

At least Fox News doesn't have the same anti-contribution rule that MSNBC has in an attempt to hide any political preference they may have. Fox usually leans to the right, and they don't try to fool everybody into believing otherwise with rules like the ones MSNBC has.

The whole thing about Olbermann just shows the idiocy of the left.

One more thing. One liberal actually accused me, by not posting his "Fox News Contributed too" comment, of trying to hide the facts. So let me say this loud and clear, Tom: I didn't post your comment because it was so idiotic I didn't want to publish such rubbish. I didn't refuse to post your comment because I didn't want people to hear the truth, I didn't publish it because your premise was wrong, and did not make any sense. You missed the point of why Olbermann's situation was pointed out in the first place. But that is how you work. You think it all revolves around you, and that somehow you know what you are talking about, when you are nothing more than a liberal sheep following the marching orders of Huffington, or MoveOn, or whoever - mindlessly spewing stupidity.

Be a good liberal and go back to your miserable site, and its seven hits a day, will ya?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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