By Douglas V. Gibbs
As the liberal left demands tighter restrictions on gun ownership, calls for gun-free zones, and works to violate every American's 2nd Amendment right, the facts often prove how foolish and dangerous the intentions of the progressives truly are. One can only imagine how different things would have been at Virginia Tech if it had not been a gun-free zone and the teachers were armed when a shooter rampaged through campus, or how many deaths during robberies could be avoided if the victim had been carrying a loaded firearm during the confrontation. When a store is robbed, and the store owner's life is in danger, what options are available to the potential victim? If the store owner is armed, his options change, and his chance of survival rises dramatically.
In Houston, Texas, a jewelry and pawn shop owner shot and killed three armed burglars, while clearly defending his business.
The first two robbers originally posed as customers, then a third walked in announcing he was robbing the store. In an instant, all three men were brandishing handguns and were ordering the store owner and his wife to the back of the store. After one of the criminals tied up his wife, the owner pulled out his own pistol from the back of his trouser waistband, killing the robber that was getting ready to try to tie him up. The store owner then went to his office and grabbed a shotgun to kill the other two men. Amazingly, he accomplished the feat while suffering three gunshot wounds himself.
His wife was unharmed.
In Florida, a robber threatened a store owner with a bottle of gasoline and a lighter as he demanded money. The store owner, in response, pulled out a gun and fired at the robber. Though he may have missed the assailant, it was enough to cause the robber to flee for fear of his life. The store owner was not injured during the incident.
These are examples of how important it is for law-abiding citizens to have the freedom to be armed. Whenever gun control is put into place in a society, it simply takes firearms out of the hands of the citizens, not out of the hands of the criminal element, thus placing the law abiding population at a greater risk.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Store owner shot 3 times kills robbers - UPI
Threatened store owner fights fire with gunfire - MSNBC
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