By Douglas V. Gibbs
People, and businesses, are fleeing from liberal states in droves. Liberalism is failing across the United States in dramatic fashion. The populations experiencing the largest entitlement numbers, and the highest taxes, are in failed liberal controlled States. California, Illinois, Michigan around Detroit, and the Northeast are experiencing a mass exodus out of their regions. And where are these people going? Red States, where there is little, or no, State income tax, lower regulations on business, and prosperity when compared to the dying liberal States.
Liberalism fails wherever it is tried.
In California, where some of the highest taxes, and regulations, exist, businesses are leaving the state in droves. The argument by corporations is that the very liberal California government is not listening to the industries, and continues to try to milk them for everything they are worth, even to the point to collapsing the system.
In fact, the rate of businesses departing California is so great that more than 150 companies are reported to have relocated to other states in October, alone. And each month, the number keeps rising.
In addition to the high taxes and regulations, in California businesses are hit with high fines and fees for doing business that business owners are forced to pay. This is not even considering the high retail sales tax, high property taxes, high energy taxes, high fuel taxes, and restrictive regulations on transportation and construction.
And with those companies that are fleeing California goes the jobs with them. So, Californians are faced with either moving in with family to survive, finding other work against the incredible competition out there, or moving out of state as well.
Because Conservatism creates better economies, and better business conditions for the task of job creation, the people are fleeing Blue States, and are heading to Republican-leaning states, to the point that the Red States will actually gain at least a half dozen House seats. The 2010 census has shown what Conservatives have known all along: Liberalism is a failed ideology, and the people know it.
Michigan, due to the collapse of the ultra-liberal city of Detroit, was the only state to actually lose population during the past decade according to the 2010 Census. Nevada, with a 35 percent increase, was the fastest-growing state, but those numbers will change dramatically since Las Vegas and Reno have been among the hardest hit by the economy, and their liberal leadership, and once people can pull together enough cash to leave, they will.
Texas, with its heavy lean towards free market capitalism, and a strong GOP population, is leading the way among Red States that will gain House seats. In all, the census figures show a shift affecting 18 states taking effect when the 113th Congress takes office in 2013.
Texas will gain four new House seats, and Florida will gain two. Gaining one each are Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington.
Ohio and very liberal New York will lose two House seats each. Losing one House seat are liberals states Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; and the battleground states of Missouri and Iowa. Once a liberal State, and moving in the Conservative direction, Louisiana, will also lose one seat.
Though California did not lose a seat, for the first time in its history, liberal Democrat-leaning California will not gain a House seat after the census.
The November election landslide by the GOP also put Republicans in full control of a number of state governments, giving the GOP an overall edge in the redistricting process, and in the fight for State's Rights.
When Obama was elected two years after the Democrats gained full Control of Congress the liberals were dancing around thinking it was the end of Conservatism. The idiots truly believed this nation was moving to the left. The media actually began producing stories about the eventual death of the Republican Party. The reality is that this is a center-right nation, and the elections of 2006 and 2008 were the result of the fact that the sheep that usually don't vote were deceived by the articulate Barack Obama (and many are regretting that vote now), and the Conservatives stayed home because with moderate McCain on the ticket, they felt they had no candidate to choose. The Conservatives that did vote, did it holding their nose, and only because they feared Obama, and they liked Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential choice. What is interesting is that now that the facts have surfaced, and the Census numbers are out, the truth is the exact opposite of what the liberal Democrats were saying. In reality, liberalism is dying, Conservatism is on an ascendancy, and if Obama and the Congressional Democrats don't change their Marxist policies soon, it could be the Democrat Party that may wind up as just another failed ideology in the dustbin of history.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Census: Fast growth in states with no income tax - Washington Examiner
More businesses bid California adios - One News Now
Census shows slowing US growth, brings GOP gains - Associated Press/Yahoo Finance
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