By Douglas V. Gibbs
Islam in America has determined that the increased security measures at airports should not be applicable to Islam, or at least that the Muslims should be handled with special care that is sensitive to their religion's belief system. In order to insure that the TSA's Transportation Safety Officers (TSOs) are equipped with the knowledge on how to properly handle Muslims, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) has recently completed a training regimen for 2,200 TSOs at the Los Angeles International Airport.
According to MPAC, the two-month training course informed officers of “the diversity of Muslims around the world from cultural dress to language to tenets. The four trainers taught the TSOs how to properly handle a Quran and discussed the different ways Muslim women and men choose to cover or dress. For example, the TSOs learned if a woman wears hijab and needs a secondary screening she should be screened in a private area by a female TSO officer.”
Understand the implications here. The MPAC was formed in 1986 as a political action arm of one of the largest Wahhabi mosques in America, the Islamic Center for Southern California. Wahhabis are of the more extreme Muslim sects, and are intent upon bringing Sharia law to America, and for Islam to ultimately dominate American politics and society. These very same people are now training our security personnel on how to best handle Muslims at the airport. When one considers that though all Muslims are not necessarily terrorists, the likelihood of a terrorist being Muslim is high, we are literally letting the enemy teach us how to base our security measures around their demands.
That's like putting Nazis in charge of security training for security personnel at a Jewish synagogue.
What is worse, the Muslim Brotherhood is one of the most radical organizations, and one of the most supportive of terrorism, out there, and the founders of MPAC (the group training our airport security in regards to how to handle Muslims) include a blood relation to the late Hassan Hathout, who was a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement. The two brothers who founded MPAC also spent time in an Egyptian prison during the early days of the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities there, led by the Brotherhood’s founder Hassan Al Banna. MPAC’s own publication, The Minaret, has proudly called the brothers ‘companion of’ and ‘a close disciple of’ Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna.”
Have we gone insane?
One must ask, "Why would this be allowed?"
The answer is either that the powers that be are too stupid to recognize the danger, too cowardly to say anything different, or are allowing this idiocy intentionally.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Trains Airport Screeners - Human Events
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