By Douglas V. Gibbs
Are there any Muslim countries that allow free speech? How about freedom of religion? How about any Muslim community that allows one of their own to convert to Christianity?
Islam is not compatible with the free societies of The West. Islam does not seek to assimilate. Islam seeks to dominate over The West, and anyone that refuses to be Muslim.
A case in point over how Islam seeks to destroy all of those that opposes it occurred recently in Somalia, where a teenage girl was shot to death because she left Islam, and converted to Christianity.
In my discussions with various former Muslims, the love of Christ is unlike anything any Muslim has ever experienced because Allah is violent, deceitful, and angry. Rather than, as in the Christian Faith, God loving his creation so much that he offered Himself in the form of a human to be sacrificed as a means of paying for all of humanity's transgressions, Muslims believe that the only sure way to paradise is self-sacrifice while waging war against the infidel. Christianity is a voluntary decision between the individual, and God. Islam is a decision that can be met with death if the worshipper dares change his or her mind about the "Religion of Peace."
So much for the peaceful side of Islam.
The Somali girl that was killed for embracing Christ was only 17 years of age. Her death is being labeled an "honor killing." Her parents tortured young Nurta Mohamed Farah by severely beating her and regularly shackling her to a tree at their home for her decision to leave Islam. At one point Nurta's parents took her to a doctor to have her prescribed with medication for her "mental illness." Following the belief that the Koran cures the sick, especially the mentally ill, the parents also recited the Koran to Nurta twice a week. Determined to keep her faith in Jesus Christ, Nurta fled to live with relatives. She would not renounce her Christian faith, but her escape away from her parents was only temporary. She was killed on November 25th by relatives acting on the behest of her parents.
The most alarming part of this is these kinds of actions by Muslim families are not limited to Muslim countries. Here in America one must only refer to the story of Rifqa Bary. As an honor student, and a cheerleader, Rifqa was living a good life in America. But, she lived two lives. While a happy American at school, she lived a life of torture and brutal beatings in her Muslim home. Like Nurta, Rifqa found that her only hope for happiness, and to stay alive, was to run away from home.
The schools were made aware of the beatings Rifqa was receiving at the hands of her parents, but the school did not report the beatings to child welfare services. Why? Were they afraid of being politically incorrect? Were they trying to be tolerant of the Muslim religion? Or were they simply afraid of the backlash from the Muslim community should they make the beatings known to child welfare services?
The beatings were random, violent, unprovoked - and often in public (such as in the case of the punches she received to the face for slouching in the car because she did not like wearing the hijab her father forced her to wear in the vehicle).
It was then learned that Rifqa embraced Christianity, and it was then that the Muslim community got involved, warning her father that Rifqa was an apostate. Knowing that her life was now in danger, Rifqa fled, before her father could honor Islamic tradition and slay her in the form of an honor killing.
Islam is not a religion. It is a bloodthirsty cult of brutality and violence, and the very fact that we, as a nation, are bending over backwards to make concessions to Islam is dangerous to our society, and our very lives. We are allowing them to open indoctrination and training facilities, in the form of mosques, and there are actually people out there that fall for the lies the Muslims put out regarding the "peaceful religion." How long before America wakes up? When we lose our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and when the Muslim begin to slay the infidel in a more regular manner on our shore?
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Somali Teenage Girl Shot to Death for Embracing Christ - Compass Direct News
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Thank God someone else understands!
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