Monday, January 03, 2011

Liberals Didn't Get The Memo

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I keep hearing conservative talk show hosts say things like, "Democrats did not get the message from the election in November."

Apparently, these high paid talkers do not understand liberals.

Liberals could care less about the "message." For them, it is all about their agenda. They could care less what the people think, what the Constitution allows, or what history has proven.

Remember, liberals believe that government is the answer. To realize this, all one has to do is look at their policies.

Net Neutrality places regulatory control in the hands of the government because they believe the corporations that are the Internet Service Providers are restricting your freedoms and therefore must be forced to comply with the government's demands. There is no consideration by the liberals that it is the ISPs that own the servers, so it should be their decision on what they do with their own property. If the consumers do not like the policies of the ISPs, then they can simply not buy the service, or open their own company that will abide by the company practices they desire. And by the government forcing regulations on the industry, did anyone ever consider if anyone would ever be able to constrain the government?

How about the Fairness Doctrine? This would allow the government to force television and radio shows who base their format on opinion to have someone with a counter opinion on the show so that both sides of an argument are provided - regardless of the concept of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or what the viewer or listener prefers.

How about Cap and Trade? This would force companies to cap emissions further, and enable them to buy credits if they wish to increase that cap, or sell credits if they fall under the cap.

Did you notice how all three involve the government forcing someone to do something? Of course the leftist argument is that the forceful nature of big government is necessary to protect the public common good.

In order to ensure that the common good is forced into place, the liberals believe government must force the "greedy" businesses and people into compliance as determined by the government. You see, they believe that the idea of what is good for the common good is not necessarily recognized by the general public. The public interest is something presumed to be only known by the ruling elite, and the educated liberals. Everyone else is, for the most part, incapable of recognizing what's good for them. Because of this, all aspects of human life must be forced into being controlled by the political elite for the good of society. Anyone who refuses to obey the elitist's understanding of what is good for the community must be punished by the body politic, or be forced to abide by the regulatory web created by the governmental system - which of course is in place to protect you from yourselves.

This is an agenda as old as America, and in fact thousands of years older. Be it an imperial system of governmental control, a monarchy, police state, dictatorship, communist union, fascist state, socialist democratic republic, or the machinations of the American Liberal, it is all about a political elite controlling the masses through government tyranny. It is an attempt to dissolve the people into a homogeneous mass where a centralized system without representative institutions subjects all voluntary associations to government regulation and control in the name of the public good, and the good of the community, as interpreted by the ruling elite.

Ultimately, as it has been throughout history, such a system is doomed to failure, leading the civilization it rules over to economic collapse while ending any vestige of individual liberty along the way.

Of course the liberals didn't get the message of election 2010. They don't care what the people think. Liberalism places all of their importance on the agenda, an agenda of tyranny and authoritarian government control over the people.

Patriotism is the love of one's country. Nationalism is the love of government. It is apparent that liberal Democrats are nationalists.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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