Thursday, January 27, 2011

Notes On Obama's State of the Union

By Douglas V. Gibbs

After finally getting the chance to watch Obama's State of the Union, I realized that the time I took to watch it was a complete waste. This guy is unreal. Here are a few of my thoughts:

Obama said that by 2035 he wants all of our energy to be through clean energy. Fact is, the government can't make anything happen, nor should it. As with anything, the way to make things happen is not through government involvement, but to unleash the private sector.

Obama's mention of high speed rail made me chuckle. He included that with high speed rail there would be "no pat-downs." This statement shows how much of an idiot this man-boy in the White House truly is. There are no pat-downs at train stations because so few people ride the rails. If it was to become popular as he desires, terrorists would attack the trains too. Then, the idiot national security people, under the urgings of Obama, would be feeling people up at the train stations too. Problem is, high speed rail is expensive to build and maintain, and it remains quite unpopular. Is that really the right thing to do faced with such a huge budget deficit?

Obama seemed overly concerned about the spending cuts being recommended by the GOP, indicating that he did not want cuts to education. Fact is, we've been pumping money into education as per the liberal left's demands (and the demands of the teacher's unions), and what has it gotten us? Education keeps getting worse. Private school spend a third as much on education, and their students are more successful. Why? Could it be the curriculum? Could it be the discipline? Could it be the fact that private schools demand more from the students, rather than worry about their precious self-esteem?

Finally, it wan't a State of the Union speech. It was a campaign speech, with much of the elements of his past speeches. Obama tried to say a little something for everyone, while completely ignoring foreign policy, and continuing to emphasize more spending. . . in the name of investments.

All in all, the State of the Union was embarrassing, and Obama should be ashamed of himself.

-- Political Pistachio conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

JASmius said...

What else did you expect? Like we've discussed on many an ADR show, Barack Obama is what he is - a hard-left ideological zealot, a True Believer. He's incapable of pulling a Clinton and "moving to the center" because it would be blasphemy to him.

It's like the old joke about when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're a liberal, every solution to every problem is more spending - even debt. In ObamaWorld, you can spend yourself rich AND solvent. And when it fails, the answer is....more spending!

That's why Red Barry will be a less formidable incumbent next year than I think people fully realize. What will he have to offer voters except more of what's failed and what they've already rejected?