By Douglas V. Gibbs
The language used to describe Obama by the liberal press is amazing. They still see him as their savior, or as the suave professional that is the only adult in the room.
Fact is, any room he walks into, chances are he is the least qualified numb-skull in the room.
To drive home my point, I wish to take just one article from the New York Times and dissect the language...
Headline: Obama Counsels Calm, but No Deal Is in Sight.
Barack Obama does not counsel. He is the least knowledgeable, and he is in full panic mode. All of his plans failed. Everything he has done has fallen apart. He is a laughing stock, and quite easily the worst president (to Jimmy Carter's gratification) to ever step foot into the Oval Office.
Second Paragraph: Congressional Republicans and Democrats retreated to their now-familiar positions, each accusing the other side of sparking the economic turmoil as President Obama continued to preach compromise.
This sentence is worded to make you believe that all mayhem has ensued, and the great Obama is not only the only calm in the room, but that he is the great uniter "preaching" (as if from a pulpit) the importance of compromise. This guy is no congregational leader, and he is no compromiser. His whole presidency has been filled with back-room deals, locking the Republicans out, and refusing to give an inch on any issue. Even this budget deal was no compromise. The cuts are slated for down the road (which means they will never take place), and he is working to use the "super committee" to still squeeze in economy crippling tax increases.
Second Paragraph, final sentence: Even as he tried to calm an increasingly nervous country, there were few reassurances that any consensus on debt-reduction or remedies to spur the stalling economy were on the way.
The great Obama, according to the New York Times, is not only able to calm the Congress, but his magical powers extend to the entire country. . . excuse me while I go puke.
Third paragraph: “It’s not a lack of plans or policies that is the problem here,” Mr. Obama said Monday in his first public comments on the economy since Standard & Poor’s downgraded the country’s credit rating last Friday. “It’s a lack of political will in Washington. It’s the insistence on drawing lines in the sand, a refusal to put what’s best for the country ahead of self-interest or party or ideology. And that’s what we need to change.”
"Those stubborn individuals in Congress," they seem to be saying. Don't you know that everything would be okay if those Congressmen would quit thinking differently, and just go along with the collectivist agenda of liberal Obama? In other words, if you agree with his ideology, you are not being ideological, you are a compromiser. But if you disagree with Obama's agenda, you are being greedy with your self-interest, party support, or ideological madness. And then that word "change" worked its way into Obama's preaching. Hmm, what's wrong, Obama? Can't recapture that "hope and change" magic anymore?
Paragraph four: Mr. Obama then offered, with no modification or expansion, that he would be presenting recommendations to a Congressional committee charged with creating a deficit reduction plan, but hewed to the same central points that he had made during the debt ceiling negotiations, principally that spending cuts must be accompanied by tax increases.
He "will" be presenting? Is that an admission that he has no plan, and never has had a plan? He is going around dictating to people to get a plan, but never had one of his own? And you know that the great Messiah's plan will be waited for with great anticipation. The New York Times is biting its nails as they wait for the Messiah's plan with reverence. And yes, the guy who preached tax cutting during his campaign is insistent upon smacking us with tax increases.
Paragraph five: You’ve got a president who has pushed his own supporters to accept politically painful choices, today encouraging a coalition of the willing from both sides to opt for compromise on deficit reduction on entitlement and tax reform at a time where we have seen the real economic harm that comes from drawing hard and fast lines in the sand.
In other words, if it wasn't for the great Obama, who knows what madness might ensue!
Paragraph fifteen: Mr. Obama’s appearance reflected an effort by the White House to project leadership in a crisis while at the same time seeking to calm growing fears that the downgrade could be the beginning of worse things to come, and that the economy could slip back into recession.
Mr. Obama's appearance? Do they mean like the reappearance of Christ? Or the appearance of a ground hog searching for its shadow and its marbles? The words I like are, "reflected an effort by the White House to project leadership. . ." Is that an admittance that Obama has projected absolutely no leadership skills over the last two and a half years? And then, yes, it is Obama that brings calm while everyone else is fearful and manic. Finally, what's this "slip back into recession" garbage? In order to slip back into a recession, the first one had to have ended - and it never did.
Paragraph nineteen: Mr. Obama did call for an extension of the payroll tax cut “as soon as possible".
That way, after he raises everyone's taxes, he can say he cut taxes too.
This guy is a mindless, inexperienced boob who needs to be gone - the nation will be better off the sooner he is out of office. 2012 will be a landslide for the GOP across the board as long as the establishment Republicans stay out of the mix, and the Tea Party and conservative Republicans win the nod in the primaries.
Then Obama can return to romper room, and scratch his graying hair while telling himself, "I am the smartest guy in the room, I am the smartest guy in the room."
In a room full of two-year olds, maybe; and that's a very careful "maybe."
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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