Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Republican Debate at Reagan Library Reveals No Winners

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Much of the rhetoric sounded good, but failed to match many of the records. While Mitt Romney and Rick Perry tried to sound more conservative than they are, and Huntsman sounded about as idiotic as he is, the only one that seemed to truly sound in line with what he believes was. . . Santorum.

But mostly we heard mainstream Republican talking points without a convincing explanation as to why the candidates said what they said, a nervous dance around the man-made global warming myth, and superficial platitudes.

Where were the real questions and answers? Where was the truly deep questions about the damage to the economy done by the leftists in office? Where was the sharp contrasts to the Obama economic policy? Where was the debate over unsustainable public union benefits and pensions? What about the fast and furious scandal where Obama and gang sold guns to the Mexican cartels in the hopes of reaching deeper into the gun control hand bag? Why wasn't there any questions and comments about how the Democrats demanded civility, and are now using words like "terrorists," "holding America hostage," and "son of bitches" when discussing the Tea Party - that Maxine Waters said could go "straight to Hell?" Why wasn't Perry challenged more over his open borders stance, or his big government crony capitalism moves in Texas when it came to Merck's Gardisil? How about Perry's nanny state tendencies?

These folks on stage didn't attack big government, they just told us they would govern it in a more conservative manner (if that is even possible).

The funniest part was how they debated over who can create jobs the best - Government does not create jobs! Government cannot create wealth! Government can only destroy, or redistribute, wealth - and both are unacceptable. Yet, none of these candidates seems to understand that, or take that stance.

None of these people are willing to point a finger at liberalism. The economy is doomed when liberal democrats are in control because they don't understand that the best thing to do is to get the hell out of the way. Stop regulating, stop nationalizing, and just turn the private sector loose.

Normally, I would say that democrats are the primary impediment to growth, and are the sole destroyers of freedom in America. . . but tonight the Republicans did not seem to act much different than their liberal counterparts.

I was disgusted by the debate, disgusted by the theatrics, and disgusted by the dishonesty.

Where's candidates like Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, or Allen West when you need them?

About the only shining moment was when Perry called Social Security a ponzi scheme, but he didn't know what to do with it when Romney defended the promise to those that currently receive their benefits from the unsustainable program. It was a shining moment because Perry was right. . . until it came to how to go from there. The proper path of reform seems to escape these idiots.

(And the questions were leading, but what did you expect from CNN. Newt had it right when he accused the moderators of asking questions in order to protect Obama)

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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