By Douglas V. Gibbs
I've been a fan of Herman Cain since the first time I heard him on the radio as a guest host on a conservative talk show. I never dreamed, however, that he would make a run for president.
As the 2012 presidential campaign began, and the GOP field began to take shape, even though Herman Cain was a part of the field, I considered him as nothing more than a bookend. Early on, I liked Pawlenty, but he bowed out pretty quick. I've liked Michelle Bachmann from the beginning, because she is the most conservative of the candidates. Also, as a member of Congress that has been fighting against Obama's destructive policies, she understands the intricacies of his policies, and how best to dismantle them.
Rick Santorum has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I liked him when he was a Senator. But I knew from the beginning that Santorum's chances were probably nil, and none.
I felt the same way about Herman Cain, too. My buddy Loki kept singing Cain's praises, but I always responded, "Yeah, whatever. I like him, but he has no chance."
I was mistaken.
Herman Cain is an achiever. He has done well at everything he has done. He knows how to succeed, and he knows how to market. I may not be 100% on board with his 999 plan, but it is a step in the right direction.
In a recent Fox News poll, Herman Cain has passed liberal Mitt Romney, as the leader of the pack.
A great example of Cain's marketing skills is his television ad where, in line with the idea that Herman just needs to be Herman, Cain's Chief of Staff Mark Block is just being Mark in the ad . . . and it turns out he is a smoker.
The liberal media has gone nuts over this. Big Tobacco is the enemy of the liberal left. They have all kinds of campaigns against smoking. They are trying to use big government to dictate to you where you can smoke, including banning people from smoking in their own homes.
I have always found it fascinating that the same liberals that want to ban cigarettes tend to also support the legalization of Marijuana.
The thing is, the Left is all up in arms about that smoking ad.
Conservatives could care less. Smoking is an individual decision, and the hysteria about second hand smoke is mostly a lie anyway. Who cares if Mark Block is smoking in the ad?
The leftists, however, are complaining about it, and condemning it, and making a big ruckus about the ad.
And in the end, as planned, they are talking about Herman Cain.
That's one way to get people talking about you.
Marketing genius.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Hume on Cain: Smoking Campaign Ad ‘Sheer Oddness,’ Attacks on Rove ‘Another Odd Thing to Say’ - Daily Caller
Cain Web Video Features Chief Of Staff Smoking - Real Clear Politics
Fox News Poll: GOP Primary Voters Get on the Cain Train - Fox News
Liberals Going After Activities in Your Own Home - Political Pistachio
1 comment:
Yea, what I said yesterday on FB. He's smarter than the rest of the entire field.
One Ad, little money, goes viral, worth millions.
Who needs boots on the ground with a marketing genius like this?
They were critizing Cain on some talking head news outlet for not having but six folks in Iowa and saying he can't win with that few folks.
The ad was worth 10,000 workers or more, not just in Iowa but in the rest of the states.
Cain VS UNable 2012
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