Sunday, December 18, 2011

Republicans Delay Light Bulb Ban - ALG Gives Its Praises

ALG praises Republicans for Light Bulb Ban delay

Dec. 16, 2011, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today praised congressional Republicans today for holding firm in their determination to delay the implementation of the law which would make 100 watt incandescent light bulbs illegal to sell in the United States effective Jan. 1, 2012.

The delay prevents the Department of Energy from implementing the rules until Sept. 30.

"It is absurd for the government to force Americans to purchase expensive and environmentally dangerous curly cue CGC light bulbs due to an ill conceived attempt to save energy.  Congressional Republicans have stood up for American consumers being able to make the choice of what lighting products they wish to use, and that is a small but important step away from the nanny state envisioned by the social engineers on the left," Wilson said.

Upon learning of the deal, environmental extremist groups who ignore the significant dangers caused by the mercury filled CFC bulbs slated to replace Edison's incandescent bulb are planning on holding a press conference decrying the effort.

Wilson continued, "The Astroturf enviro movement on this issue is typified by the group Republicans for Environmental Protection, which research has proven is nothing more than another George Soros front group.  Congressional Republicans need to reject this last ditch effort to dictate consumer choices and hold firm on the delay of the light bulb ban.  Hopefully, the ban will be fully repealed in the months ahead."

The light bulb ban delay was included as part of the bi-partisan funding deal negotiated last night which is expected to pass both houses of Congress today.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Lighthouse said...

Good news...
though the 2012 sale of regular incandescents was never banned
Only the manufacture and import.
Since stores are stocking up, it will not change things for consumers short term.
amenedmant effects and regulation explanation

But it should be added that the Republican amendment was not pointless:
It was all they could do in a Democrat controlled Senate,
and it means Congressmen are forced to look again at the whole issue in election year 2012.

Long term is a different story:
incandescent technology for ordinary lamps will effectively be banned,
on the mandated 45 lumen per Watt end regulation standard

Explanation of light bulb regulations,
official links,
and updates on all 7 US local state repeal bills