Saturday, January 28, 2012

Constitution Corner Joins Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Today, Listen to Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs at 2:00 pm Pacific on AM 1050 in Southern California, or Online at  Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs is more than just a radio show. . . it has become a multi-media experience including U-Stream live video, a better interactive chat room, the ability to listen by mobile device, and coming soon the shows will also be available on YouTube.

A new segment, inspired by the Constitution Classes I teach in Temecula and Murrieta, will be added to today's program. Constitution Corner will be a ten to fifteen minute segment each week that will teach you the Constitution. Tune in each Saturday as we go through the Constitution. This segment will air after the first break.

During the beginning of the program we will also address various local and national issues, and discuss the Book of the Week brought to us by Prying1Books.

During the second half hour of the program JASmius will join me to go over the. . .

5 Big Stories of the Week, January 28, 2012

Honorable Mention: Death of Joe Paterno

Honorable Mention: Gabrielle Giffords Resignation

5. Obama Fails to Show up to Eligibility Trial

4. Jan Brewer and Obama Confrontation on Airport Tarmac

3. Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty

2. State of the Union Speech

Washington Post Fact Check

Haven't We Heard This Before?

State of the Union Registers at the 8th Grade Reading Level: Third Lowest Score of any State of the Union address since 1934

Associated Press Fact Check

1. The GOP Race: Gingrich wins big in South Carolina, Florida Coming on Tuesday With Romney Leading

South Carolina Primary Results

Romney Leads in Florida


Nuts and Nuggets

Nut: Obama’s State of the Union Speech: Lies, and Contradictions

Washington Post Fact Check

Haven't We Heard This Before?

State of the Union Registers at the 8th Grade Reading Level: Third Lowest Score of any State of the Union address since 1934

Associated Press Fact Check

Nugget: Douglas V. Gibbs when discussing the attacks against the GOP Candidates by Republicans. . .


Catch the radio program live at

This program also replays on KCXL (Tuesdays, 10:00 am), and WHTH (currently exact times not yet set).

Listen to the podcast later at KCAA.

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