Saturday, February 11, 2012

Constitution Radio Welcomes Democrat Presidential Candidate Randall Terry

During the first segment of today's program on KCAA we have a guest. At 2:00 pm Pacific Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs welcomes Randall Terry, a pro-life Democrat who has decided to go up against Obama. Mr. Terry the founder of Operation Rescue, the largest peaceful civil disobedience movement in U.S. History. If States begin to knock Obama off the ballot over eligibility questions, Randall Terry could very well wind up the only Democrat candidate left on the ballot for the 2012 November Elections. The DNC, however, has been asking TV stations to violate federal law and for them to refuse to run Randall Terry's campaign ads. . . despite the fact the ads are protected by Federal Law.

Then we will discuss the Book of the Week, brought to us by Prying1Books.

During today's Constitution Corner segment we will discuss the reasons the Founding Fathers created the federal government, as laid out by the Preamble of the United States Constitution.

The 5 Big Stories of the Week:

5 Big Stories of the Week, February 11, 2012

Honorable Mention: Climate Change Scientist: I’ve Been Duped/No Warming in 15 Yrs.,1518,813814,00.html

5. Justice Ginsburg to Egypt: Don’t use U.S. Constitution As Model For Yours

4. Santorum Sweeps Three States, Moves into Second Place in Delegate Count

3. Federal 9th Circuit Court: Proposition 8 Unconstitutional

2. Obama, Catholic Church, and the Birth Control Mandate

1. Obama administration Demands $25 Billion Settlement Against Top Five Banks


and finally during today's Nuts and Nuggets segment:

Nut: Democrat Congresswoman Gwendolynne Moore: "The National Institute of Health has said that it is a danger to women's health and safety of their families, that for 30 years, to be exposed to the prospects of pregnancy."

That's right, this liberal democrat declared pregnancy dangerous to your health. . . so she pushes the murder of the unborn through abortion to protect those poor women from the dangerous condition of pregnancy.

Nugget: Rick Santorum at CPAC: "We always talk about how we are going to get the moderates.  Why would an undecided voter, vote for a candidate of a party that the party's not excited about?"


Listen to all podcasts of this program on our Podcast Page.

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