Saturday, March 03, 2012

Constitution Radio Discusses The Death of Andrew Breitbart

Today's Constitution Speaker begins at 2:00 pm Pacific at 1050 am in Southern California's Inland Empire. You can also tune in live at  Past Podcasts of the program available on our Podcast Page.

I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Breitbart a couple years ago, and to start today's radio program I will begin with that story. Andrea Shea King will be joining me for that discussion.

Call in 888-909-1050 to participate.

After we finish discussing Andrew Breitbart, we will offer the Book of the Week by Prying1Books, Constitution Corner which will dive into the two Houses of Congress, and then JASmius will join us for the 5 Big Stories of the Week:

5 Big Stories of the Week, March 3, 2012

Honorable Mention: Koran Burning Leads To Deaths, and an Apology by Obama: Violence . . . Death . . . Apologies . . . and Criticism

5. Fatal Shooting at Ohio High School

4. Maine’s Olympia Snowe to Retire

3. Tornadoes Swarm Middle America

2. Romney wins Arizona, Barely Pulls off Michigan, Super Tuesday Looms on the Horizon

Romney Wins Arizona

Romney Barely Pulls off Michigan

The Importance of Super Tuesday

1. Death of Andrew Breitbart


And finally we will discuss in our final segment this week's Nuts and Nuggets:

Nut: 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate, and U.S. Senator, John McCain: “‘This is like watching a Greek tragedy,’ McCain told the Herald. ‘It’s the negative campaigning and the increasingly personal attacks … it should have stopped long ago. Any utility from the debates has been exhausted, and now it’s just exchanging cheap shots and personal shots followed by super PAC attacks.’

“The Arizona Republican, who endorsed Romney earlier this year and is set to rally with him in Phoenix tonight, said he believes the former Bay State governor will get the nomination, yet he worries a long, drawn out primary campaign could leave Romney too wounded to triumph in November.

“‘I know he’s going to be the nominee but I also worry about how much damage has been done,’ McCain said. ‘I think we still can win. … Once we get this over, the more we’ll be focused on Obama’s failures.’”

Nugget: Though I am not a fan of Romney, what Jay Cost of the Weekly Standard says about Romney’s situation is exactly right, and conservatives have a lot of work to do if they wish to stop Romney from gaining the nomination: “These results strongly suggest that Romney has successfully positioned himself almost exactly in the middle of the Republican electorate. This is far and away his greatest advantage moving forward, as it makes it very difficult for any candidate to forge a voting coalition large enough to topple Romney. Gingrich or Santorum would have to cobble together a strange bedfellows, left-right coalition of the most moderate and most conservative Republicans to defeat him. If you cannot win 50 percent of the vote outright, this is the best way to win – splinter your opposition onto two sides.

“This points to the two major points to draw from yesterday evening. First, Mitt Romney has essentially failed to win a majority, or even an overwhelming plurality of Republican voters to date. His average vote haul in the prior states was roughly in line with what we saw last night in Arizona and Michigan – carrying somewhere around 40 percent of the vote. Second, no candidate has yet found a way to topple him, because the non-Romney voters are divided on opposite sides of him. Thus, while Romney is not going to surge to the nomination as the majority choice of the party, it is very difficult to see how any of the declared candidates topples him.”

Jay Cost, the Weekly Standard

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