Sunday, March 18, 2012

Santorum and Romney Battle In Missouri May Be Indicative of the Battle To Save The GOP

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Missouri had its beauty contest primary back in February, and Rick Santorum ran away with it by more than 30 points.  Now, Missouri is having its caucus for real, but it is nothing like that non-binding vote last month.  The gloves are off, and the debates have been fierce.  The crowds have been rowdy, there have been arrests, and with all of the chaos and confusion folks are wondering if they will ever figure out the results.

It has come down to the party establishment versus the conservative base.  Romney is trying to regain the reins from the TEA Party, and the conservatives are fighting to continue the progress of the republican party out of its liberal-light ways.  In fact, it could be argued that the party is fighting for its life, for if the establishment wrestles control away from the base again, the GOP could very well be headed the way of the Whigs.  I am not a supporter of a third party, but I have no problem replacing the republican party with a party more responsive to the American voter, and conservative ideals.

Could the republican party go the way of the Whigs and the Federalists?

If Romney ends up the nomination, that may very well be in the cards.  People are sick of the republicans, and the inside-the-beltway political games.  These politicians think they are above the people, that they are somehow a ruling elite, and that makes them no better than the democrats.

I am a republican not because I love the party, but because I believe it can be saved. . . but watching Missouri, and how the local central committees are gathering together to silence the voters so that they can push the will of the establishment, I am sick of the crap, and I am starting to have my doubts on whether or not moving the republican party back in a conservative direction is possible.

This election season may be the deciding event that determines if the GOP lives or dies, and if it continues to be anything like Missouri's caucus, it could get ugly.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Impassioned Missourians leads to contentious caucuses won't believe this.../As the election year turns - Patriot Action Network

'Mass hysteria' in Mo. as Republicans caucus on presidential race - Los Angeles Times

1 comment:

JASmius said...