The liberal left is foaming at the mouth. They've got us now, they are supposing. After all, the liberal media just got a twofer, getting a chance to hammer on a Christian school while defending Obamacare all at the same time. That's right, the liberal media has once again pulled out the "that's not very Christian of you" card, while simultaneously defending their health-care-for-all mantra.
I've never understood how it is that people who hate Christianity, and don't understand it, can go around telling Christians if what they are doing is Christian-like.
The fact that the liberal left is hostile towards Christianity is no surprise. When one believes government should be godlike, it is important to eliminate any competition. Among young people, in particular, the very mention of God has become taboo. The conditioning they receive in the public school system seems to be quite successful for the liberal left. I'm surprised the leftists in America haven't adopted Karl Marx's mantra that religion is the opiate of the masses, yet.
Those pesky private schools, however, especially the Christian ones, are letting a few kids slip through the liberal indoctrination scheme. In today's politically charged society the champions of progressivism have abandoned leaving little hints here and there of their disdain for religion, and now they are firing away with both barrels. The secular liberals recoil at the very mention of God, and among their sheep the usual cry is, "Don't push your religion on me."
Any chance they can hammer on Christianity is icing on the cake. The liberal left has always tried to portray itself as reasonable, loving, charitable, and tolerant. Then, when they can, those leftist pinkos characterize the Christians as being the opposite. Now, with a story about a teacher being fired from a Christian school because of an unwed pregnancy, they not only have a chance to lower the boom on yet another Christian institution, but also defend Obamacare at the same time.
I suppose they think they are killing two birds with one stone.
The link to the story about the pregnant teacher/coach on the Yahoo! page reads as follows:
"Pregnant HS Coach fired over morals clause: Former coach of the year Cathy Samford is now in her third trimester and has no health insurance - School's defense >>"
What? She'll be without health insurance? Those terrible Christians!!! Thank God for Obama and his magical health care law!
Wait, it gets better.
In the very first sentence the author of the piece, Cameron Smith, classifies what the Christian school did as "incredibly bizarre."
It is as if Mr. Smith is shocked that there is anyone out there, including within the Christian Church, appalled by sex out of wedlock. In fact, the mere fact that the Christian school has a problem with Ms. Samford's unwed pregnancy, according to Cameron is "incredibly bizarre."
I think it is incredibly bizarre he expected any different from a Christian institution.
As the article moves forward, Cameron Smith explains that the Dallas area Heritage Christian Academy science teacher is more than just a teacher, but a volleyball coach for three years, having been named the school's coach of the year one of those years - as if to say, "See, she's good for the school. It is the school here that is being unreasonable."
Then Smith writes, "Still, that couldn't help save her job when she first admitted her pregnancy during the fall semester, with the school terminating her based on a violation of her contract's morals clause because it was determined her pregnancy meant she could not serve as 'a Christian role model.'"
And the problem with the school letting her go is?
Then the three pointer in the article is a quote from Samford herself: "We all have different views and interpretations. It's not necessarily the Christian thing to do to throw somebody aside because of those."
We all have different views and interpretations? How in the world did relativism and pluralism make its way into the church? Oh, wait, that's right, the secular idea of "morality is what you think it is" has been pushed upon us so much that it has become pretty much a commonplace understanding in this society. Her very un-Christian statement is all the more reason to be satisfied that letting her go was the right choice.
Samford now has a lawyer, and they are planning on filing a discrimination suit against the school. Surprisingly, Smith admitted that this may be a difficult case to win, considering that the courts have been finding that Christian schools can hire and fire as they see necessary, because they consider teachers to be "ministers in the classroom."
Near the end of the article came the school's defense as Smith promised: Heritage Christian Academy headmaster Dr. Ron Taylor, who acknowledged that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had contacted the school, said, "How's it going to look to a little fourth-grade girl that sees she's pregnant and she's not married?"
Then, in the final sentence, the shout-out for Obamacare appears once again, where Smith writes: "That has left Samford uninsured and in financial distress as she heads towards giving birth, a situation she never considered possible when she was a proud member of Heritage Christian Academy's faculty."
Samford now has a lawyer, and they are planning on filing a discrimination suit against the school. Surprisingly, Smith admitted that this may be a difficult case to win, considering that the courts have been finding that Christian schools can hire and fire as they see necessary, because they consider teachers to be "ministers in the classroom."
Near the end of the article came the school's defense as Smith promised: Heritage Christian Academy headmaster Dr. Ron Taylor, who acknowledged that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had contacted the school, said, "How's it going to look to a little fourth-grade girl that sees she's pregnant and she's not married?"
Then, in the final sentence, the shout-out for Obamacare appears once again, where Smith writes: "That has left Samford uninsured and in financial distress as she heads towards giving birth, a situation she never considered possible when she was a proud member of Heritage Christian Academy's faculty."
Obamacare has become less about the Constitution, or the authorities (or the lack thereof) the federal government has in regards to the private industry, and more about, "See? Those mean ol' rightwingers wanna take away your health care."
Cameron Smith, in that final sentence, is basically saying, "You can't even trust those Christians. They will judge you, and yank away from you your health care rights. . . thank goodness that Obama is there to make sure everyone is insured."
My first question to Cameron Smith is, "Since when is it a good idea to impose the government through the courts on the workings of a religious institution?" Doesn't the First Amendment say that the Congress shall make not law prohibiting the free exercise of religion?
Ms. Samford knew the day she took the job the moral expectations that would be demanded of her. If she didn't like it, she should have gone off to get her credentials and taught at the public schools.
Those public schools, after all, are much more fair and reasonable - they force evolution on the students without allowing any opposing views in the classroom, forcibly teach that the homosexual lifestyle is normal while punishing all opposing views as hateful, won't allow students to pray in school for fear of offending the non-religious and punishing the Christian children if they dare pray, teach sex education and hand out condoms but requires parental permission for the school nurse to give a student an aspirin, will tell a kid not to wear a shirt with Christian symbols or the American flag on it but will allow the Mexican flag, Muslim or gay symbols or language and anybody voicing disagreement is ridiculed . . .
How incredibly bizarre.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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