Friday, October 12, 2012

Did you see Atlas Shrugged Part II in theaters today?

"Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims." - Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged Part II Now Playing

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged Part II is now playing in a theater near you. Grab your friends, family and colleagues, head out to the theater tonight and join us in celebrating Ayn Rand's ideas once again making their way onto the big screen.

From all of us at Atlas Shrugged, thank you all for your tremendous support, we hope to see you in the balcony and we swear by our lives!

P.S. Producer Harmon Kaslow wants everyone to buy 3... no 10 tickets! ;)

Find a theater near you and buy your tickets now.

From the Atlas Shrugged Part II World Premiere

Last week we had some very special guests hang out with us after watching the film and give us their take. Watch their reactions to the film now...

John Fund from The American Spectator
Jonathan Hoenig from Capitalist Pig
Matt Kibbe from FreedomWorks
Grover Norguist from Americans For Tax Reform
Phil Valentine from the Phil Valentine Show

A Message from Producer John Aglialoro

Today is a momentous day. I am very proud to be bringing Atlas Shrugged Part II to theaters and I am glad to have so many of you to share the day with. Your support has been a constant inspiration to all of us.

The message of Atlas Shrugged has stood strong for 55 years. With its prescient text and timely tone, it's hard to believe that Ayn Rand wrote her masterpiece more than half a century ago. With the greatest respect and reverence, we have done our best to bring Ayn Rand's ideas and characters to life and to present the message of Atlas in such a way that it resonates throughout the film as it does the book.

Thank you for your patronage and we hope you enjoy the film.
John Aglialoro

Find a theater near you and buy your tickets now.

1 comment:

Michael R. Brown said...

It wasn’t as pure as Pt 1 – I think the desperate circumstances of production for 1 made it have a sort of clear flow. This is more hectic and colored. But the thriller aspect and econ-political passion of the book still shines through. A number of unfortunate continuity errors and such – some quite severe. The Richard Halley sequence was bad. Dagny seems overly tired even with the world collapsing, but Rearden’s character was more or less successfully updated for 2012, and his clotted marriage makes more sense given our times. Some very interesting adaptative decisions (e.g., making TT have a central nerve center and having Dave Mitchum work there). Eddie Willers is a stronger character, seems a better match for Dagny. Francisco stands out – he has the burning passion (almost mystical) of someone who has seen another world. Not much like the Francisco of the book – the Zorro-inspired D’Anconia has become more an avenging/liberating angel, but through him we hear some of the purer moments of Rand’s voice come through. (There’s not much of it in the movie – the plot and some of the relationships have been extracted.) During some of the film I felt uncomfortable with the tonal departure from Rand. I whispered to C., “This is the novel, fractured and rendered into Muzak.” But there were moments of truth and beauty and passion.