Saturday, October 06, 2012

Public School Indoctrination Center: Romney Shirt Compared to KKK

File under: The World Has Gone Insane. . .

Philly Student Told to Lose Romney T-Shirt or Get Out - NBC Philadelphia

Teacher likens Port Richmond teenager wearing a T-Shirt for GOP candidates to "wearing a KKK shirt"

That's the headline. . . and the first thing I think of is, could you imagine if a teacher scolded a child wearing an Obama T-Shirt?

The racist teacher would be fired on the spot, no doubt in my mind.

The mindless idiocy of the Obama followers is mind-numbing. Do they not see the problem with their "Free Speech for Me, but Not For Thee?"

Then again, that seems to be an international problem:

Egypt Salafi Urges U.N. to Criminalize Contempt of Islam - Reuters

Remember, these folks also cry for the death of all Jews and Christians.

Planned Parenthood has 80-Year-Old Woman Arrested for Praying - LifeNews

She was praying for the lives of the innocent babies.

U.N. Human Rights Commissioner Seeks to Criminalize Abortion Opposition - LifeSiteNews

Their desire to slaughter the innocent is that nuts?

USDA Diversity Training Session Included "Illegal Immigrants" Chant, Group Claims - Fox News

So, if you refuse to chant, do you lose your government job? Note that in the chant it included calling the Founding Fathers "Illegal Immigrants." Remember, the liberal left hates the nation as it was founded, and wants to fundamentally transform it into some utopian socialist nightmare.

Calif. is First State to Force Gay History into Classrooms - Christian Post

Sort of like evolution - all opposing views not allowed - and that is why we call the public schools "indoctrination centers."

Hate Crimes, Thought Crimes, Double Jeopardy - National Review Online

Say something the liberal left doesn't like, go to jail. . . And that is just the tip of the iceberg. . .

I am amazed the Democrats haven't figured out a way to enact a new sedition law that allows them to jail any and all opposition to their governmental madness. . .

Maybe that will be a headline in the near future.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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