Those of us who grew up in the 1950's and 60's felt free and able to do anything with our lives. The ripe fruit of freedom was ours for the taking. The Government was there to protect us from outside attacks and to help those who could not help themselves. The Government, however, left us alone to make our own lives and be part of the dream known as America. It was a time when you were expected to learn and grow and be reliant on your own abilities. That was then. Now, I look around and ask myself....Is this our America?
I see people who have been on the Government/taxpayers' dollars for generations -- thinking it is a way of life and not just a helping hand to get you on your way. I see people who expect the Government to be their mother from cradle to grave and by remaining a child give up some of their freedoms without even knowing it to an ever-expanding Big Brother. America has always been there for those who really needed help, but now it is not like that. Today, America is treated like an ATM for those who expect it and now more and more demand it.
I see liberal teachers in public schools and professors in colleges/universities not teaching the curriculum alone, but also a heavy side-order of their own political left views in an attempt to push into our childrens' young minds their slant on the world. School books, too, are not immune to the left's re-writing of history to enhance their agenda. The left's lies passed-off as history are becoming accepted. This emboldens their dedication to poisoning America to her final breath. The administration and President through their proxies whisper words into the ears of your children. Most times this happens without your knowledge or agreement and sometimes with the help of Hollywood in films and popular TV shows. All this is spoken out of the mouths of left-leaning actors to whom the young look up to. Leaders of countries who have done this in the past mostly end up as dictators....they prize getting the minds of the young and teaching them their ways. Those teaching the left mantra and those being indoctrinated are and will be Obama's foot soldiers in the left's war on America.
I see a once free and proud media falling in lock-step with the administration and parroting the agenda of the President in an almost word for word daily regurgitation on what passes for the news. Where one-time real "Journalists" would have hard questions for the Administration and President, the new left media coo and smile and ask soft questions sure to be of no harm to the regime. They get their talking points from the administration and defend them as the truth with no care to their validity.
I see my fellow Americans vote for politicians who they don't really know except for what they hear or read from the left media. Most don't even know that mainstream TV is now no longer "free", but left-wing owned and operated. They buy the political lines and trust them only by virtue of a letter "D" or "R" behind their name. I see a large group of my fellow Americans who voted for someone not by merit of what he has done, but by what the color of his skin is. Racism reigns when you only see a color and not the person underneath the skin. I have seen twice this vote for a color. Even the failed 4 year Presidency of Obama did not keep those from voting by color again. Those who voted for him did so because he had a "D" by his name and/or because he was black -- an example of reverse racism. If anyone had or has any criticism for this President, they were or are singled-out by the left as a racist.
I see an America rich in natural resources held captive by Obama as our money floods into oil-rich foreign countries who have no respect for us and care not if we live or die. I see a President who is supposed to represent each and every American bow to foreign oil kings, and with each bow and apology for our country cheapens the office he holds. I see this same President preside as a would-be-king with his words to be obeyed. If they are not, he gets his own way by telling lies or working back-room deals as our elected representatives in the Senate and House with few exceptions turn blind eyes. I see trillions of dollars in taxes given to Washington by Americans squandered in ridiculous ways and given in some cases to our enemies while the number of our poor grows under the lack of care of this President who still parades as their champion.
I see a President who vowed to help the poor and middle class only to burden them. Just ask any small business man or woman about the growing road blocks they must deal with as they try to build their American dream. I see a country rich in everything any country could want spiraling into redundant debt while more and more Americans fall into poverty. All the while, this President tries to start a war between the poor and rich and tries to punish those who have achieved their dreams. Instead of inspiring the poor and middle class and lessening the obstacles to success, he only wishes them to accept mediocrity and lower the bar to stifle and kill their dreams. He then side-steps to a higher priority of his -- another appearance on Letterman or another dance with Ellen. His lack of ability or desire to jump-start an economy eager to spring into action does not prevent him from taking another vacation or golf-outing.
I look in the faces of my fellow Americans and see the weary eyes of faded or lost dreams. I look to Washington and see too many less-than-inspired politicians squander their time in endless debates and spend the peoples' hard-earned tax dollars as if it were only a game of Monopoly with no end -- using play money. I see in the face of this President the self-satisfied ego of one who has not done anything to help the suffering of Americans he pledged to help. I look at the American flag still a standard of Freedom in the world wave over us as it has done in other hard times. I see the determined face of Lady Liberty in New York Harbor and the faces of children who may not ever know the true glory of this country as we once did and I ask once again....IS THIS OUR AMERICA?
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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