Saturday, June 01, 2013

2012: The Election of Fraud and Voter Suppression

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I knew fraud would be a part of the 2012 election because that is what the liberal democrats do.  They lie, they cheat, and they do whatever it takes for power.  Theirs is not a concern over what is best for America, but over what they deem is best for the party, and the ideology.  They have been buying votes with entitlement programs as long as history can look back.  In 2012, if the election was a purely honest one, the welfare state had finally won. People voted for the redistribution of wealth. Sleazy campaign tactics, and a non-stop script of lies, won.  Buying votes won.

If the election was true, the number of voters willing to abandon our foundations, and our Constitution, outnumber us.  America as it was founded, is done.

I don't believe the takers outnumber the makers, therefore, there were other components in the election that made it go in favor of Obama, and his liberal horde.

With all of the Democrat Party's failures during Obama's first term, as far as I was concerned, like the landslide of the 2010 mid-term, the 2012 Election was one the GOP could not lose, yet the Republican Party lost.

The liberal left wants you to believe that the Republican Party is done for.  The GOP will never win another election. They want you to believe opposition to abortion, gay marriage, and amnesty is what caused Obama to win. If you want to ever win again, the liberal left is telling you, abandon your values and principles, and be more like them.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Besides, all of that tripe is not why, or how, Obama won the election. If the GOP moderates, it dies. What good is an opposition party if it strives to be more like its rival?

The result of the election is in the numbers, but it is about more than voter turnout. It is all about the truth, and the lies, and now the truth of the deceit, lies, and corruption is rising to the surface.

Though not the most conservative, Romney in 2012 had stirred up excitement in the base, and with Paul Ryan as his V.P. choice, the base was excited about the most conservative ticket since Reagan. Obama's failed record of the last four years, the excitement of the base, and the incredible performance of Romney in all of the debates except the last one where he literally laid down and refused to fight, or bring up Benghazi,  the GOP was convinced that Romney would not only win, but he would win by a landslide.

Three million less republican votes than what went for McCain voted for Romney - and as a result, we were led to believe that republican voters stayed home.

Obama received ten million less votes than in 2008, and as the numbers came in, the numbers did not add up, and peculiar anomalies began to surface.

Granted, the only reason democrats even gain votes is because they buy votes with promises of gifts from the treasury, and because the public believes the propaganda. A lot of these people didn't vote for Obama, but against Romney, because they believed the crap about republicans wanting to take away their birth control, and so forth.

Evidence of fraud was there, but we were too afraid to pursue it.

When looking at who voted, we realize that the number of Independents shifting to Romney was about 5 million Independents. Combined with the republican number, this actually puts Romney 2.5 million votes ahead of where McCain was in 2008. This means that 5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for.

According to Dave in Florida's blog, heavy GOP counties were swamped all day. He watched all day as, counties like Pasco County was showing huge increases in GOP voters over the 2008 numbers.

In Virginia, with 69% of the precincts in, Romney held a 6% lead. Yet once a small number of counties reported, that lead disappeared.

If the vote drop off occurred, it occurred in a very small number of counties. It was not visible nationwide.

Dave contends that you can not get a 10% drop off in GOP turnout without it being noticeable during the GOTV effort, measures of enthusiasm in polling, or visibly lower turnout in GOP leaning precincts.

For anyone who doesn't want to think that the Obama campaign would engage in such blatant election fraud, contemplate this. These are the same people who ran Fast and Furious without regard for the cost in human lives, turned off their credit card verification system to allow fraudulent donations, and allowed four Americans in Libya to die because it was politically inconvenient. Do you really think that massive election fraud is something they wouldn't do?

If this is true, then we have some hard things to consider.

In Marion County in the battleground state of Ohio, where Joan Stevens tried to vote for Mitt Romney on an electronic touch screen, Barack Obama’s name kept lighting up. It took her three tries for her choice to be accurately recorded.

The 2012 Obama campaign’s decision to accept small-scale donations made under false names allowed for a stream of donations from illegal donors, such as people who are neither citizens nor residents of the United States. Without voter ID laws in place, non-citizens were also open to vote for Obama without any opposition.

Barack Obama received over 99% of the vote in districts where GOP inspectors were illegally removed, and he won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland.

Mr. Obama won Wood County in Ohio this year, winning the majority of Wood County’s 108% of registered voters. In 2012, 106,258 people in Wood County are registered to vote out of an eligible 98,213.

In an effort to suppress the military vote, which tends to vote republican, we heard almost weekly about some shipment of absentee ballots getting lost on the way to our troops in Afghanistan. Or ballots being mailed out too late to be of any use in the election.

There was also the odd story of a plane that crashed and “burst into flames” carrying absentee ballots into Afghanistan. Oddly, as soon as the story appeared, it disappeared. Did anyone die in the crash? What kind of plane was it? It seemed like a cover story in order to destroy the ballots.

Team Obama sued Ohio to prevent the military from voting early, a long-standing policy that worked around military training and deployments, because Team Obama said it wasn’t “fair.”

Obama phones urging the voters to vote democrat on the taxpayer's dollar, monitoring of the Internet to send emails that told users to get off the Internet and go vote, and ACORN style tactics as were exposed in the 2008 election, were all in play.

And now, with hind-sight being 20/20, even more evidence is surfacing . . . and what is below is just the tip of the iceberg:

Obama Campaign Caught in Major NC Vote Fraud Scheme

North Carolina’s Civitas Institute has revealed that the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Obama campaign conspired to register at least 11,000 people via the internet in violation of state law. This has been confirmed through records requests filed with all of North Carolina’s 100 counties. The counting is not yet complete.

North Carolina does not allow online voting, but according to Civitas, SBE staff authorized an Obama campaign website,, to use a web-based registration program.

- As for Voter Suppression?  How about the IRS Attack on the TEA Party:

The Obama administration should probably stop trying to use cover-ups, because they’re apparently horrible at executing them.

The truth continues to come out regarding Benghazi, the AP scandal, the Justice Department’s targeting of Fox News, and now the IRS targeting of the Tea Party.

We now know that at least 90 agents were involved in the targeting of the Tea Party. Not just one or two “low-level” operatives like the White House originally lied about.

- And of course there is the woman caught voting multiple times (and I think she is one of many that did so). .  .

Poll Worker Convicted of Voting Fraud

A former Hamilton County poll worker was convicted Tuesday of illegal voting and could go to prison for up to six years for it.

Melowese Richardson, 58, of Madisonville pleaded no contest to four counts of illegal voting – including voting three times for a relative who has been in a coma since 2003 – in exchange for prosecutors dropping four other illegal voting charges. Common Pleas Court Judge Robert Ruehlman immediately convicted her, making her a felon.

A poll worker from 1998 until being fired this year, Richardson admitted she voted illegally in the 2008, 2011 and 2012 elections.

Richardson, who was in court last week but asked to speak to her pastor before she agreed to be convicted rather than take the case to trial, was quiet during the hearing.

Richardson wasn’t offered diversion because she had eight counts of illegal voting against her and because she asked what authorities were going to do to her for illegal voting.

She’ll find that out July 9 when Ruehlman sentences her.

- Was Obama Elected Legally?  The evidence is pointing against him.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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