Saturday, July 06, 2013

We are already in a revolution

By Douglas V. Gibbs

There is a noose around the neck of our Republic - and instead of removing that noose, we are tightening it, and standing at the ready to kick the chair out from under America. . .

I am angry, because we have stood by and have watched it happen.

We are not fighting like we claim.  We have not pledged our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor for this cause of freedom - and it is time for us to understand that the liberal left does not mean to just control us, but to conquer us, to silence us, to destroy us.

A coup has already taken place, and the enemy as ancient as humanity sits on a throne in the White House, hissing with satisfaction.  Our nation has been compromised.  We are being taken from within.

A revolution exists, and it began with the shouts of a TEA Party, but now, when I use language that includes words like "Revolution," and "Fight", I am told we must be careful, for we don't want to come across as belligerent.


We are fighting for the future of this nation, and the only thing that seems to unite us is the Constitution, so let's rally around it, let's take it to the enemy, because we are not outnumbered, and it is not too late.  I want them to know we are angry, and I want them to be nervous about what we will do next!

We can fight the good fight, and win this liberty revolution, but we have to be willing to.  We have to get up and fight.  We have to be willing to stand on Lexington Green, if that becomes necessary.

In addition to my radio program, Constitution Classes, Constitution Association meetings, and writing, I plan to begin soon on Sundays a new effort - Street Preaching about the Constitution in leftist neighborhoods.

How are you helping the cause?

Are you donating to the Republican Establishment?  What have they done to turn us around?

Who is it that's fighting this fight?  Who is it that is doing everything humanly possible to stop this foreign takeover of our beloved America?

You know what to do.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


Anonymous said...

This is one GREAT commentary Doug. I am proud. I want to use it on my show this coming Saturday if that is okay. You made a great point here....something I can expand on a little. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This was a GREAT post Doug, and if it is okay, I would love to use it on my opening monologue for my show next Saturday. You made some great points that I could expand on a little....

Great post, great thoughts.