Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gun Grabbers Are Grasping at Straws

by JASmius

The great gun debate disconnect… In the bloody wake of the Navy Yard shootings, desperate gun grabbers are grabbing at straws.

I'll say it again: All these shooting sprees - from Columbine to Aurora to Newport to the Washington Naval Yard - have taken place in "gun-free zones".  Chicago - an officially "gun-free" city - has had more gun-murders month-to-date than the ANNUAL totals for eight STATES.  And remember just a week ago in Colorado, where the two leading gun-confiscators - both Democrat state senators - were recalled despite the recall forces being outspent six to one?

Gun control is the one issue on which the Left has never been able to get traction in this country.  The more they pursue it, the more their political fortunes will sink.  Beats me what their hurry is; after Godbama makes his coup official, he can just send in the army and/or his secret police and round 'em up, along with their recalcitrant owners.  It's not like the government isn't more heavily armed, after all.

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