Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lois Lerner: The Tea Party Is "Dangerous" IRS Emails Support Targeting Claims

by JASmius

Well, the Tea Party is dangerous - to Republicans, I suppose; it's too focused on committing mass fratricide to pay Obamastapo oberfuehrers like Double-L much attention, to say nothing of resistance or opposition.  As Sinaed O'Connor once said of the late Pope John Paul II, "Fight the real enemy!" - right, TPers?

Well, yeah, Lois; all totalitarian dictatorships consider dissidents to be "dangerous"; I'm surprised you left out the term "anarchist" from your ritualistic condemnation.  All those people, chafing to be out from under your messiah's yoke, their jaws free of his bits, running all over the fruitless plain doing whatever THEY choose rather than bowing down and following the sage commands of their betters, like you?  Why, that's a formula for freedom and liberty and prosperity, the dirty, rotten, fascist ingrates!  Don't they realize all people like you have DONE to, um, for them?  No need to work, free everything, abortions whenever they desire, Ben & Jerry's no longer fattening but giving you twenty-four-inch pythons instead?  And best of all, no need to pull any icky bootstraps or the tiresome drudgery of making decisions for themselves or following invisible gods when there's a deity right in front of them with the most awesome pecs in the cosmos.

Man, I guess some people just insist on being heretics, huh?  So the IRS, in the form of you, just HAD to step in - an "intervention," for the TPers' "own good".  And what's your reward for such extraordinary compassion?  A congressional investigation!

Well, at least you have your 72 Justin Biebers to look forward to.

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