Thursday, October 17, 2013

Obama: "Everything" Must Be On The Table In Budget Negotiation

by JASmius

Including, and especially, another tax hike, I'm presuming.....

A commenter at PAN put it quite succinctly:

I hope that the GOP is listening and....throw[s] this line right back at the [White House] because "everything" [also] means that OBAMACARE has to be on the chopping block too.
After another two months of ObamaCare floundering and sticker shock and mounting public anger, that might actually stand a chance of working this time.  My guess is O will delay it himself rather than go into another budget confrontation on significantly weaker ground.  Right now he's feeling his oats and trying to keep the GOP on the run, kind of like in Star Wars when Han Solo chased that squad of storm troopers down the hall, bellowing at the top of his lungs.  One surmises, or at least hopes, that Boehner and McConnell are already planning for the next round.

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