Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Three Of A Kind

by JASmius

Liberals like to play cards, the race card, the hate card and the "all" card.

Once again, I don't think Bill quite understands his subject matter.  The Left does not play these three "cards" in lieu of substantive argument; they are there substantive arguments.  This is because they get to have their own "facts," which is why they invented the wide, wild, wonderful world of relativism.  In that world, what is "factual" is a function not of objective, verifiable truth, but of the "moral quotient" of the promulgator.  And since the Left pre-emptively defined themselves as morally omnipotent when they created this Bizarro world, kind of like Aslan did when he created Narnia, then, ipso facto, they are always right, and we are always wrong, because they are perfectly holy, while we are the spawn of the seventh hell.  Oh, and that latter detail is what entitles them to righteously stamp us out as the "infidels" we are.

And here we sit, with a party incapable of grasping the true nature of the enemy, and a grassroots that doesn't even know who the enemy is.  If gulags weren't government-constructed, we'd all be in one already.

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