Friday, November 01, 2013

America: Solutions

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The United States of America is in a tail-spin.  The Constitution is the solution.  But what good is a solution if we don't know how to apply it.

I am not the most mechanically inclined person.  My car is an enigma to me.  I could take classes, and people could explain to me how to fix certain items on my vehicle, but if I don't lift the hood, or I don't know how to actually apply the knowledge to the car, what good is all of that knowledge.

We, as Americans, are real good at sitting on the couch and complaining.  God has given us talents to be involved in the maintenance of our American System, but if we don't go to meetings, or meet with like-minded Americans, and if we don't show up at city council meetings, or find ways to get the knowledge about our feelings of the direction of government to the powers that be, how are we going to get things turned around?

I teach classes on the Constitution in Temecula on Thursday Nights, and I do believe one of the keys to putting America back on track is educating the people, but if those people then go home after the class and never apply what they learned, what good are the classes?

Patriot Groups, like my Constitution Association, meet around the country, and many of them do a lot of good, but what good are those meetings if after the meeting we go home and don't apply what we discussed in the meetings?

For that matter, why are people not showing up to these classes or meetings in droves?

Tyranny is common in history.  Liberty is an exception.  Freedom takes work, but if we are not going to do the work, we can cry about our rights and our freedoms all we want, but tyrants will take them away from an apathetic or uninvolved people without as much as a howdy-do.

To turn this around, it takes work.

Have you rolled up your sleeves and prepared for what we need to do?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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