Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hard Starboard Radio: The War On Human Nature

You know that comparison of Obama's nuclear sell-out to the Iranians to the 1938 Munich Agreement selling out the Czechs to Hitler?  Don't sweat it.  O's nuclear sell-out to the mullahs isn't comparable to that - it's orders of magnitude worse; O moves the goalposts again on healthcare.gov; SCOTUS to take up religious freedom challenge to ObamaCare's contraceptive mandate - and maybe more; the Obamedia's burgeoning schitzophrenia continues to....burgeon; and, time permitting, the Democrats' cratering 2014 prospects, and why the stupidity of the American electorate makes it irrelevant.

It's the day before the day before turkey day at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.  And no fair getting a head start on that tryptophan hangover.

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