Friday, November 22, 2013

Welcome To The Jungle

by JASmius

What?  You don't think Axel Rose bears at least a passing resemblance to Harry Reid?  C'mon, isn't that an easy mistake to make?

Okay, fine, then, be a purist about it....:

.....but allow me, in turn, to make a prediction:  The ObamaCare rollout has begun the process of escalation that will ultimately climax with the long-suspected (at least by me) coup of Barack Obama against the remaining façade of constitutional government and formal consolidation of his totalitarian rule.  Hell, the ObamaCare rollout IS that process, as it will do so much damage to the Democrat Party that the unraveling of the entire welfare state will become increasingly possible, even probable, after 2016.  Given what we've seen from these jackbooted thugs over the past five years, does anybody truly believe that they won't do whatever is necessary to keep that from happening?

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