Sunday, November 24, 2013

Welfare Recipient: "I Get to Sit Home... I Get to Smoke Weed... We Still Gonna Get Paid"

by JASmius

Welfare Recipient: "I Get to Sit Home... I Get to Smoke Weed... We Still Gonna Get Paid"

In America, those who work get punished. Those who don't, get a free ride, courtesy of a nationwide policy of spreading the wealth around through confiscation and redistribution.

Case in point: A welfare recipient in Austin recently contacted a morning radio show and explained that she gets a lot of money from the program. What she does with it may (or may not) surprise you.

Here's how your hard earned money is being used to help the less fortunate:

"While workers out there are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us?"

"I get to sit home... I get to go visit my friends all day... I even get to smoke weed..."

"Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don't contribute to society, we still gonna get paid."

"Our check's gonna come in the mail every month... and it's gonna be on time... and we get subsidized housing... we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas... Why should I work?"

"Ya'll get the benefit of saying "oh, look at me, I'm a better person," but when ya'll sit at home behind ya'lls I'm a better person... we the ones gettin' paid!"

"So can you really blame us?"

 This is a prime example of hate the game put into place by the Democrats, not hate the players. You can thank LBJ for the Welfare Act he signed into place in the 60's. This was the Democrats way of keeping the black community on the plantation. They have created quite an epidemic for our country and unfortunately you cannot convince these welfare recipients to vote differently because they don't want to give up their welfare and work for a living.

It's all about incentives.  Which is why nobody will ever convince me that Obamunists don't know precisely how free market economics work.  Wouldn't you have to in order to most effectively screw it up?

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