Tuesday, December 03, 2013

ACLU Files Sweeping Suit Against Catholic Hospitals' Pro-Life Policies

by JASmius

Yeah, how dare they sue the Obama Regime for forcing them to subsidize and perform child sacrifices against their will and belief!  The ACLU will fix them, and fix them "good"!:

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a sweeping federal lawsuit against the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops over its ethical guidelines for Roman Catholic hospitals, arguing the directives were to blame for negligent care of a pregnant woman who went into early labor and whose baby died within hours.

The ACLU alleges the bishops were negligent because their religious directives prevented Tamesha Means from being told that continuing her pregnancy posed grave risks to her health and her child was not likely to survive. She was treated at Mercy Health Muskegon, a Catholic hospital in Michigan.

"It's not just about one woman," said Kary Moss, executive director of the Michigan ACLU. "It's about a nationwide policy created by nonmedical professionals putting patients in harms' way."

And, you know, mule fritters.  It's the same tiresome old "women's health" argument that gave us such wonderful testimonials as still-living abortion attempts in high school prom garbage cans, Kermit Gosnell's all too typical house of horrors, and a grisly trail of psychologically and physically damaged women extending back as far as the eye can see.

Meanwhile, after mothers and their unborn babies, it's Catholic hospitals that are the most endangered by the modern day successors to the followers of Molech:

The lawsuit comes amid a wave of mergers between Catholic and secular hospital systems throughout the United States, raising questions about how much religious identity the hospitals will retain and whether they will provide medical services that conflict with church teaching. Advocates for abortion rights and others fear the mergers will limit access to a full range of medical care for women. About 13% of U.S. hospitals are Catholic.
It isn't about "church teaching"; it's about right and wrong.  Morality is an absolute by definition, as this abusive, mendacious ACLU suit redundantly illustrates.  The only question is which strain of morality is going to win out.  And since humility isn't a valued trait of leftwing "morality," and ruthless, no-holds-barred, "anything goes" ends-justify-the-means is - which is another way of saying they have no true morality - honesty and restraint should not be expectations of them that anybody should harbor.

It's a war, and one that began a whooooole lot earlier than January 22nd, 1973.  While we know Who the ultimate Winner of this conflict is going to be, we can expect there to be huge casualties on our side of no-man's land before it's over.  And when the "Nuremberg trials" take place, the American Communist Lackies Union will be all over that list.

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