Tuesday, December 24, 2013

America's Mama Grizz

by JASmius

....is a beautiful wife and mother, what feminists used to call a "strong" woman, a courageous American patriot, and a famous celebrity - but she's not a politician anymore, and Wild Bill has some awfully irritating fanboy praise to gush in her direction:

How did Sarah Palin "defeat" the Obamedia?  Their objective was to destroy her political viability for national office; they succeeded.  Devastatingly.  By the time they were finished with her in 2008, 'cuda had been completely and utterly "Quayle-ized," was and remains radioactive, and will never be able to get elected dogcatcher outside her native Alaska, and maybe not even there.  So isn't the opposite the case?  Didn't the Obamedia, in fact, squash Sarah Palin like an overripe grape?

It is no insult or dishonor to the ex-Alaska governor to acknowledge this fact.  Indeed, she appears to have come to terms with it, as evinced by her apparent disinclination to challenge Mark Begich for his Senate seat.  So why can't her extremely parochial admirers accept it as well?

As for banging on church doors looking for "a million Sarah Palins," doesn't that implicitly denigrate her?  I thought she was one of a kind.  Either way, if they are out there, I think the IRS is going to get to 'em first.

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