Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cable Channels Line Up for "Duck Dynasty"

by JASmius

As I predicted:

Cable networks are getting in line to pick up "Duck Dynasty" should the A&E Channel follow through with its threat to suspend the Robertson family's patriarch from the hit program in next year's season.

The Hunt Channel and Pursuit Channel are the front-runners should the show get the axe, TMZ reports.

"We believe in the Second Amendment and freedom of speech ... A&E needs to put on their big boy pants, and if they don't like the programming, they need to either let [the show] go or shut up and pay them," said Merrill Sport, owner of the popular Hunt Channel.

Rusty Faulk, CEO of the outdoor-oriented channel called Pursuit, said they would gladly pick up the show and protect the cast against future threats of censorship.

However, it won't be a quick landing for the duck dudes, as the A&E contract prevents the cast from jumping to another network for a certain period of time, TMZ reported.

So now we'll see just how determined A&E is to screw the Robertson clan.  It would be one thing to throw them off their cable network for no good reason, quite another to use the terms of their contract with them to keep them off the air entirely.

My guess?  A&E will do to the Robertsons what Chris Hayes wishes Bobby Jindal would - for a while.  Just because.  Not the grand punitive gesture they wish they could make, which would include all the Robertsons' heads on spikes.  But for petty hatred's sake, it's the best they can do.

Ironic that we finally get reality television that is also so educational.

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