Tuesday, December 10, 2013


by JASmius


I'm sifting through this goop to find anything worthy of engagement, and I'm not finding it.  ObamaCare is a disaster, as it was designed to be, everybody sees it, everybody knows it, such that even its over-proud papa, who not all that long ago proudly invoked that nickname for it, now will not, as though distancing himself from it.  Whereas we on the Right - the Reagan Resistance - who've called it "ObamaCare" for over four years, who've been vindicated to blowout proportions, are now "racists" for continuing to do so, according to Melissa Harris-Perry.  Which means what, exactly, since her breed has been tossing around that obscenity for years and more promiscuously than Miley Cyrus banging a wrecking ball?

There is a reason why big-time weapons are held in reserve as a last resort.  Two, actually: (1) Because of their potential for mass destruction that can wipe out both sides in a conflict; and (2) if they're overused, they lose their destructive potential.  As the ObamaCare-nullification wave begins sweeping across the wasted plain, if the overplayed-to-death race card is the best defense Obamunism can muster, they are well and truly doomed.

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