Sunday, December 08, 2013

Pirro: The Clock Is Ticking

by JASmius

In her opening statement on 'Justice' this week, Judge Jeanine Pirro continues to verbally assault the Obama administration on the total fiasco of the ObamaCare rollout as deadline after deadline goes by and still there's new problems discovered daily.

Doesn't matter, Judge; we're not going "backward"; we're not going to "take away Americans' health care"; we're going "forward," to "affordable health care for all Americans".  You can lambaste The One all you want, or until he decides to "disappear" you, but he's never going to allow ObamaCare to be scaled back in the slightest.  You know that.  We must all accept the lies, drink the Kool Aid, see half the population losing their health insurance as the entire population gaining it.  Any that don't will find themselves with "problems" with their coverage.  If they don't just "disappear".

Exit question: Let's assume for giggles that the GOP wins big enough majorities in both houses of Congress next year that repealing ObamaCare by veto-proof majorities becomes a serious possibility; let's also assume that it was.  Care to take any bets on whether Red Barry wouldn't simply reinstate his namesake by Executive decree?

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