Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why fight the good fight?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A few decades ago we would have never dreamed of the widespread availability of information thanks to the incredible extent of technology.  Though we had experienced the Islamic jihad, few recognized the severity of the threat of Muslim terrorism as we have experienced.  Nobody imagined we would have a national debt in the trillions of dollars, or a President of the United States bowing to, and shaking hands with, the thieves, tyrants and dictators of the world - and be excited to do so.  Granted, his frame of mind has him thinking how excited the scum of the Earth must be to have the blessed opportunity to even be in the presence of the great Barack Obama.

It was unexpected that a global currency would emerge in the form of cyber-coin, or that globalists would begin to handcuff local governments with ruses like sustainable development, climate change, and an international scheme of leveling. The right to keep and bear arms is in jeopardy, freedom of speech is being strangled by political correctness and hate crimes legislation, and supporters of sexual perversion are using the judicial system to force dissenters to not only be silent, but to accept their "lifestyle" as normal - like it or not.  Lawsuits against bakers and photographers for abiding by their moral standards are on the rise.  Churches and pastors are the next targets.  A law in California forces teachers to teach homosexuality as normal, as children continue to be suspended for displaying Christianity, images or likenesses of firearms, or for daring to wear images portraying American Patriotism.

Then, as the darkness continues to attempt to smother what is left of the American System, those that remain in opposition are apathetic, or worse, have decided not to do anything because they think there is nothing they can do about it.  "It's too late," they tell me.  Or worse, "It's the end-times, so I will just wait for the rapture."

The Book of Matthew says that only the Father in Heaven knows the day and time.  Every generation has believed they were the last generation.  For all we know, it could be 500 years in the future before the Prince of this World does his damage.

Besides, even if this was the end of the age, fighting the good fight is worth the fight. . . because it is the right thing to do.

I believe, as it tells us in Matthew, that "with God, all things are possible."  Therefore, this country can be turned around.  We can fight back the evil of leftism.  Like crime, it will never be completely defeated, but we can defeat enough of it to send leftism back into the shadows for a while - if we would just be willing to do the work.

Our posterity deserves better.  Our posterity deserves a nation of freedom.  Our posterity deserves the same opportunities.  How can we look at ourselves in the mirror if we refuse to fight, and our children, and grandchildren, wind up living in a communist country as a result of our inaction?

Even if we were to fail, at least we made a good fight of it.

And think of this. . .

As the Roman Empire collapsed from within, Cicero warned of what was coming, and wrote that only returning to the moral, representative republic that Rome had once been would save the great civilization.  The leaders, and the people, ignored Cicero's writings, and Rome collapsed - and ushered Europe into the Dark Ages.

Cicero's writings were not forgotten, however.  Though he was unable to save his own empire, in addition to the influences of the Anglo-Saxons, and the template of Ancient Israel's system of government, the founders studied Cicero's writings, and his writings were a great influence on what would become the greatest civilization in history.

What we do now may have that same kind of impact in the future.  We have a responsibility to our children, their children, and even future civilizations.  Fighting the good fight is worth it. . . on so many levels.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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