Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Colorado Pot Shop Owners Estimate $1 Million In Recreational Sales In 2 Days

by JASmius

What's next? Taxing the sales, of course.

They say in Colorado, the perpetual huge cloud of weed smoke over the state blocks out the Moon.  Then the wind begins to howl, and the atmospheric conditions are such that if you listen closely, late at night, and turn your ear toward East L.A., you can hear Cheech & Chong....weeping.  Given the level of gimmick infringement at work here, I'd say there would be a lot of raging as well, if not for the typical effects of ODing on weed.

Given that the incidents of "high driving" are already skyrocketing out of control, one wonders how many non-stoners will pay for this at-best desperate search for another revenue stream to squander with their limbs and their lives.  It's a cinch the media will never cover it - can't have the "fundies" vindicated on anything, after all.

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