Thursday, January 09, 2014

growing numbers

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The battle for Congress in the face of another mid-term election is upon us.  2010 was a successful election for the Republican Party, and particularly for conservatives, and the TEA Party.  With the reelection of Barack Obama in 2012, holding the House of Representatives, and gaining control of the U.S. Senate is even more critical.

What worked in 2010 was that conservatives became activists.  Conservatives rejected GOP strategies and struck out on their own. The Republicans warned that conservatism is polarizing, but the TEA Party embraced conservative, and Constitutional, principles,  and proved they are a winning recipe.

The rejection of Republican Establishment status quo politics bubbled up through a grass roots movement of people that had never really been involved in politics before.  Frustrated with the Democrats raising taxes, and pursuing unconstitutional policies, people got off the couch and got involved.   They rallied, congregated at town halls, and held meetings around the country.  The sleeping giant had awakened. . . for a moment.

Whether it was a return of apathy, or the result of throwing their hands up in the air because the GOP bought into the leftist propaganda and turned against the TEA Party,  in 2012 the conservatives did not turn out to vote in numbers similar to 2010.  Using a combination of a massive "turn out the vote" program,  and voter fraud in the swing States, Barack Obama achieved victory in 2012, and the Republicans did not make hoped for gains in Congress.

The democrats are desperate.  They did not see the TEA Party coming.  The liberal left expected to have control of Congress during Obama's entire presidency, as they did during Obama's first two years.  They expected to be further along in their task of fundamentally transforming America.  The way to stop them is to repeat 2010.  Are we willing to be responsible enough to get involved?

With freedom comes responsibility.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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