Monday, January 06, 2014

Losing Iraq

By Douglas V. Gibbs

During the War in Iraq, the Democrats were invested in losing the war, and compared it to the Vietnam War, many times.  Now, under the Democrat's watch, Iraq has definitely become the new Vietnam.  As in the southeast Asian country, during the 1970s, once we were gone, and under a presidency that refuses to give support, Iraq is falling to the enemy we fought against.  Al Qaeda is regaining control of Iraq.

American lives were lost in the effort to gain Fallujah, but the city has now been lost to Al Qaeda.  Ramadi has been lost, too.  And the United States military, even the few troops remaining in the region, is being prevented by the White House from helping.

Secretary of State John Kerry, currently in Jerusalem, said of the situation, "This is a fight that belongs to the Iraqis. That is exactly what the president and the world decided some time ago when we left Iraq, so we are not obviously contemplating returning. We are not contemplating putting boots on the ground. This is their fight. We will help them in their fight, but this fight, in the end, they will have to win and I am confident they can."

Not without any support.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

U.S. Troops Prevented From Helping Even As Al Qaeda Overruns Iraqi Cities - Washington Times

Iraq forces lose control of two major cities to Al Qaeda-linked group for first time since US withdrawal - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Baghdad loses control of Fallujah to Al Qaeda - The National

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